

java Programming Glossary: color.black

Dynamic Graphics Object Painting In Java


g.setColor Color.ORANGE g.fillRect 0 0 600 400 g.setColor Color.BLACK Keep this until I figured out if it's painted on load or not...

Add a complex image in the panel, with buttons around it in one customized user interface


center new JPanel new GridBagLayout center.setBackground Color.BLACK center.add p JOptionPane.showMessageDialog null center public..

JComponents not showing up with picture background?


setOpaque true setBorder BorderFactory.createLineBorder Color.BLACK 5 try Since Images are Application Resources it's always.. true contentPane.setBorder BorderFactory.createLineBorder Color.BLACK 5 imageLabel new JLabel new ImageIcon getClass .getResource..

How to resize text in java


BG g.setColor Color.WHITE g.fillRect 0 0 w h g.setColor Color.BLACK for int i 0 i f f h i g.drawString s 0 i f f stretch stretch.concatenate..

Threads with Key Bindings


paddleTwo objects public void paint Graphics g g.setColor Color.BLACK g.fillRect x y PADDLE_WIDTH PADDLE_HEIGHT Feel free to comment.. 10 private void drawBackground Graphics2D g2d g2d.setColor Color.BLACK g2d.fillRect 0 0 getWidth getHeight thanks to trashgod for lovely.. on jpanel threading problems 3256941#3256941 g2d.setColor Color.BLACK for int i 0 i 128 i g2d.setColor new Color random.nextInt 256..

Placing component on Glass Pane


l new JLabel l.setText Hello l.setBorder new LineBorder Color.BLACK 1 l.setBounds 10 10 50 20 l.setBackground Color.RED l.setOpaque..

How to rotate an image gradually in Swing?


this.getBounds Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D grp g2d.setColor Color.BLACK this.getAffineTransform .setToTranslation this.getxCoordinate..

Getting fonts, sizes, bold,…etc


12 setSize 12 if color.equals Black setColor Color.BLACK else if color.equals Blue setColor Color.BLUE else if color.equals..

Smoothing a jagged path


0 imageOutline.getWidth imageOutline.getHeight g.setColor Color.BLACK g.setClip null g.draw areaOutline g.dispose public Area getOutline.. Color.WHITE targetColor.setBorder new LineBorder Color.BLACK targetColor.setOpaque true JPanel controls new JPanel new BorderLayout.. labelTwoTone.repaint areaOutline getOutline Color.BLACK imageTwoTone drawOutline return @Override protected void..

How to handle events from keyboard and mouse in full screen exclusive mode in java?


private void render Graphics2D g g.setColor Color.BLACK g.fillRect 0 0 bounds.width bounds.height public void start..

Drawing rectangle on a JPanel


200 200 80 30 draw_layer.setForeground Color.BLACK draw new JPanel draw.setBounds 20 20 250 300 draw.setLayout..

Adding JPanels from other classes to the cardLayout


new JButton PREVIOUS previousButton.setBackground Color.BLACK previousButton.setForeground Color.WHITE final JButton nextButton..

Something seems wrong with the layout, JButton showing unexpected behaviour at resize of the window


Color colours Color.BLUE.darker Color.MAGENTA.darker Color.BLACK.darker Color.RED.darker Color.PINK.darker Color.CYAN.darker.. Color Arrays.asList Color.BLUE.darker Color.MAGENTA.darker Color.BLACK Color.RED.darker Color.PINK Color.CYAN.darker Color.DARK_GRAY..

Java Bouncing Ball


blue color Color.blue else if ballcolor black color Color.black else if ballcolor cyan color Color.cyan else if ballcolor darkGray.. color g.fillOval x y 30 30 adds color to circle g.setColor Color.black g2.drawOval x y 30 30 draws circle public void run while isVisible.. blue color Color.blue else if ballcolor black color Color.black else if ballcolor cyan color Color.cyan else if ballcolor..

GUI not working after rewriting to MVC


private JPanel button private static final Color COLORS Color.black Color.white Color.red Color.yellow Color.green Color.blue new.. 238 238 g.drawOval x y 2 radius 1 2 radius 1 g.setColor Color.black g.drawOval x y 2 radius 2 radius Controller import java.awt...

How to rotate an image gradually in Swing?


RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON comp2D.setPaint Color.black comp2D.setBackground Color.WHITE comp2D.draw this.horizontalRail..

Java, how to draw constantly changing graphics


isdone true iter g.drawImage image 40 45 this g.setColor Color.black StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder sb.append iter .append frames.. e catch Exception e e.printStackTrace iter g2.setColor Color.black long stop System.currentTimeMillis cumulativeTimeTaken stop..

JFormattedTextField is not properly cleared


BorderLayout this.setBorder BorderFactory.createLineBorder Color.black 1 this.setBackground new Color 0x00e0e0 JLabel candidates new.. this.setBackground new Color 0xe0e000 this.setForeground Color.black this.setBorderPainted false this.setAction new ButtonAction..

Swing: Obtain Image of JFrame


0 0 bi.getWidth f bi.getHeight f 15 10 g.setColor Color.black textLabel.paint g Graphics g2 image.getGraphics g2.drawImage..

refreshing background color for a row in jtable


getModel .getValueAt modelRow 3 comp.setForeground Color.black if type type1 comp.setBackground clr1 else if type type1.. clr1 Color.yellow else clr Color.white clr1 Color.black System.out.println clr dialogTable.setBackground clr dialogTable.repaint..

Is it possible to have an autocomplete using jtextfield and a Jlist?


new Font Serif Font.BOLD 16 someTextField.setForeground Color.black someTextField.setBackground Color.orange someTextField.setName.. new Font Serif Font.BOLD 16 someComboBox.setForeground Color.black someComboBox.setBackground Color.YELLOW someComboBox.getEditor.. .getEditorComponent .setDisabledTextColor Color.black someComboBox.setName someComboBox someComboBox.setDataList listSomeAnotherString..

Passing current Date


RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON g2d.setColor Color.black g2d.fillRect 0 0 getWidth this.getHeight g2d.setComposite ac..

Something seems wrong with the layout, JButton showing unexpected behaviour at resize of the window


as suggested here . Color.white can't be brighter and Color.black can't be darker Color.darkGray.darker is Color.black . The variation.. and Color.black can't be darker Color.darkGray.darker is Color.black . The variation below uses a Queue Color to simplify changing..