java Programming Glossary: colour
How to change highlighting color in Java Swing TextArea? And also, change the beginning of text corresponding to the highlighting location JComboBox cbox private JTextField lineField private String colourNames RED ORANGE CYAN private Highlighter.HighlightPainter redPainter.. endIndex if selection JOptionPane.OK_OPTION String colour String cbox.getSelectedItem try if colour colourNames 0.. String colour String cbox.getSelectedItem try if colour colourNames 0 System.out.println Colour Selected colour..
Javax.swing timer repeats fine, but ActionListener doesn't do anything doesn't do anything I am trying to flash the background colour in a textfield. My timer setup is as follows Flash flash new.. would be bad but just produce an undetectable bug . The colour would be set twice. Bring these two things together and we have..
Wanting a type of grid for a pixel editor with Java. I am designing it so the user has several colour options on they click on an option and then they can drag over.. they can drag over the cells in the grid and they change colour like a typical image editor but with a sort of snap on to each.. and I don't think it would be possible to change the colour of each cell button with out individually clicking on each one...
Java, how to draw constantly changing graphics changes I've separated the task of detecting pixel colours from the task of drawing I've replaced robot.getPixelColor.. ticker runs constantly. When it detects a change in pixel colour either due to the mouse moving to a different region or the..
Keeping the correct style on text retrieval .log Level.SEVERE null ex The problem is that if i have colour on some words of the input text the output is all coloured ... colour on some words of the input text the output is all coloured . So the colour is applied to all of the text when moved to.. of the input text the output is all coloured . So the colour is applied to all of the text when moved to display while displayed..
How do I correctly use custom renderers to paint specific cells in a JTable? String type table cell. That this would only change the colour of the cell at position 0 0 How do I fix my code so that only.. position 0 0 How do I fix my code so that only cell 0 0 is coloured java swing jtable share improve this question Add an..
How to change text color in the JtextArea? . But with JTextPane or JEditorPane you have the choice to colour your String Literals as per your liking. Here with the help..
Something seems wrong with the layout, JButton showing unexpected behaviour at resize of the window to START . Now when i click on BALL COLOUR JButton the colour of the BALL changes as well as the colour of the BALL COLOUR.. JButton the colour of the BALL changes as well as the colour of the BALL COLOUR JBUTTON also changes to that of the BALL.. change to STOP again when it should not be as well as the colour of the BALL COLOUR JButton will remain unchanged or will turn..
How to change highlighting color in Java Swing TextArea? And also, change the beginning of text corresponding to the highlighting location frame getOptionPanel Highlight Colour JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE.. try if colour colourNames 0 System.out.println Colour Selected colour highlighter.addHighlight startIndex endIndex.. else if colour colourNames 1 System.out.println Colour Selected colour highlighter.addHighlight startIndex endIndex..
How to get font color using pdfbox different ways to get the fontcolor including Getting Text Colour with PDFBox . But not working. And now I copied code from PageDrawer..
Getting Text Colour with PDFBox Text Colour with PDFBox I have just started working with PDFBox extracting..
Making a log4j console appender use different colors for different threads examples ColoredPatternLayout implementation by Ingo Thon. Colour coded Console Logging with Log4J blog post. Just to add maybe..
How to change highlighting color in Java Swing TextArea? And also, change the beginning of text corresponding to the highlighting location BorderFactory.createLineBorder Color.DARK_GRAY 2 COLOUR SELECTION panel.setLayout new GridLayout 0 2 5 5 JLabel colourLabel.. HIGHLIGHT HIGHLIGHTING THE SAME LINE WITH DIFFERENT COLOUR LATEST EDIT in lines with the SAMPLE CODE in the QUESTION import..
Something seems wrong with the layout, JButton showing unexpected behaviour at resize of the window same JButton changes to START . Now when i click on BALL COLOUR JButton the colour of the BALL changes as well as the colour.. of the BALL changes as well as the colour of the BALL COLOUR JBUTTON also changes to that of the BALL . This whole behaviour.. sense that if I press STOP JButton and then click on BALL COLOUR button the text on the JButton clicked earlier whose text changed..