

java Programming Glossary: color.green

Drawing a Component to BufferedImage causes display corruption


... with jsp.setViewportView new JPanel setBackground Color.GREEN setBorder BorderFactory.createLineBorder Color.BLACK 5 Ensure.. JScrollPane jsp.setViewportView new JPanel setBackground Color.GREEN setBorder BorderFactory.createLineBorder Color.BLACK 5 JScrollNavigator..

Location of String keys in L&F


button.setUI new XORButtonUI button.setForeground Color.GREEN for JList list SwingUtils.getDescendantsOfType JList.class..

Java rectangle collision detection confusion


g2d Graphics2D grphcs applyRenderHints g2d g2d.setColor Color.GREEN g2d.fillRect 0 0 getWidth getHeight for Entity e entities g2d.drawImage..

Threads with Key Bindings


switch color.toLowerCase case green g2.setColor Color.GREEN break case magenta g2.setColor Color.MAGENTA break case red..

How to add JPanel by clicking JButton?


Panel2 extends JPanel public Panel2 this.setBackground Color.GREEN a lot of drawing stuff going on here @Override public Dimension.. Panel2 extends JPanel public Panel2 this.setBackground Color.GREEN a lot of drawing stuff going on here @Override public Dimension..

Collision detection with complex shapes


obstacle player g.setColor Color.RED else g.setColor Color.GREEN g.fill obstacle g.setColor Color.YELLOW g.fill player g.dispose..

Providing white space in a Swing GUI


cardPanel.add getPanel Color.BLUE cardPanel.add getPanel Color.GREEN contentPane.add cardPanel frame.setContentPane contentPane frame.pack..

Java Instance Variables vs Local Variables


Color GREEN RED BLUE PURPLE public Color map new Colors Color.GREEN Color.GREEN Color.RED Color.BLUE Color.PURPLE Color.RED Color.PURPLE.. RED BLUE PURPLE public Color map new Colors Color.GREEN Color.GREEN Color.RED Color.BLUE Color.PURPLE Color.RED Color.PURPLE List.. idea new BadIdea idea.findColor Color.RED idea.findColor Color.GREEN whoops we just lost the results from finding all Color.RED Since..

How can I make this JButton visible? When I have progressive scan background JWindow()?


SoftJButton Transparent Button softButton1.setBackground Color.GREEN softButton1.setAlpha 0.5f softButton1.setDoubleBuffered true..

Difference between Color.red and Color.RED


Color.RED Color.PINK Color.ORANGE Color.YELLOW Color.GREEN Color.CYAN Color.BLUE 2 or doesn't care about that in this case..

Java Swing - how to show a panel on top of another panel?


600 400 panelBlue.setOpaque true panelGreen.setBackground Color.GREEN panelGreen.setBounds 200 100 100 100 panelGreen.setOpaque true..

Adding JPanels from other classes to the cardLayout


JLabel textLabel new JLabel Window1 jp.setBackground Color.GREEN jp.add textLabel BorderLayout.CENTER JButton nextButton new..

How can I stack/overlay jPanels in Java?


panel. JPanel another new JPanel another.setBackground Color.GREEN another.add new JLabel Yeah this is another panel. panels new..

Minimizing Jinternal Frame without clicking the button


1 Color.RED desktop.add createInternalFrame 2 Color.GREEN desktop.add createInternalFrame 3 Color.BLUE private JInternalFrame..

Waiting for multiple SwingWorkers


Java Bouncing Ball


gray color Color.gray else if ballcolor green color Color.green else if ballcolor yellow color Color.yellow else if ballcolor.. gray color Color.gray else if ballcolor green color Color.green else if ballcolor yellow color Color.yellow else if ballcolor..

How can I print an image on a Bluetooth printer in Android?


y x retrieve color of all channels R Color.red pixel G Color.green pixel B Color.blue pixel take conversion up to one single..

Swing animation running extremely slow


Color.magenta Yellow Color.yellow Red Color.red Green Color.green Blue Color.blue Orange Color.orange Pink Color.pink private..

Android color picker to be included in the activity


c1 p int r ave Color.red c0 Color.red c1 p int g ave Color.green c0 Color.green c1 p int b ave Color.blue c0 Color.blue c1 p.. r ave Color.red c0 Color.red c1 p int g ave Color.green c0 Color.green c1 p int b ave Color.blue c0 Color.blue c1 p return Color.argb.. float deg rad 180 3.1415927f int r Color.red color int g Color.green color int b Color.blue color ColorMatrix cm new ColorMatrix..

Re-paint problem on translucent frame/panel/component


0 w h timeG.setComposite AlphaComposite.Src timeG.setPaint Color.green timeG.drawString s 0 fm.getAscent private static void create..

GUI not working after rewriting to MVC


COLORS Color.black Color.white Color.red Color.yellow Color.green Color.blue new Color 7 254 250 public View String name int w.. guess.equals hidden enum Piece Red Color.red Green Color.green Blue Color.blue public Color color private Piece Color color..

Variable Layout in Swing


createPane 3 One Color.red this.add createPane 3 Two Color.green this.add createPane 10 Three Color.blue private JPanel createPane..

Changing JPanel Graphics g color drawing line


static final Color colors Color.black Color.blue Color.red Color.green Color.orange Color.MAGENTA private BufferedImage bImage new..

How do i align this text correctly?


s Hello World private static final Color colors Color.red Color.green Color.blue Color.cyan private Graphics2D g2d private AffineTransform..

How can I make this JButton visible? When I have progressive scan background JWindow()?


Translucent Button af.setAlpha 0.5f af.setForeground Color.green af.setBackground Color.black af.setVisible true public AlphaFrame..

refreshing background color for a row in jtable


after never changes the background. deployTable.resetColor Color.green set red background to the for Integer x indexes System.out.println..

Difference between Color.red and Color.RED


Color.red Color.pink Color.orange Color.yellow Color.green Color.cyan Color.blue Java 1.4 added the proper uppercase names..

swing timer doesn't work properly [closed]


JPanel new GridLayout 4 4 5 5 buttonPanel.setBackground Color.green timer new Timer 2000 this for i 0 i 4 i final GameButton button..

Code for changing the color of subtasks in Gantt Chart


Color.cyan private static final Color subtask3Color Color.green private static final long serialVersionUID 1L public MyRenderer..

Drawing rectangle on a JPanel


w 4.0f h 4.0f wi 2.0f hi 2.0f g2.clip r g2.setColor Color.green g2.setColor Color.getColor shape.selectedcolor if shape.selectedcolor..