java Programming Glossary: cols
Add a complex image in the panel, with buttons around it in one customized user interface SpringUtilities.makeCompactGrid masterPanel 1 4 rows cols 6 6 initX initY 6 6 configPanel.setLayout new GridLayout..
How to read and write excel file in java int rows No of rows rows sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows int cols 0 No of columns int tmp 0 This trick ensures that we get the.. null tmp sheet.getRow i .getPhysicalNumberOfCells if tmp cols cols tmp for int r 0 r rows r row sheet.getRow r if row null.. tmp sheet.getRow i .getPhysicalNumberOfCells if tmp cols cols tmp for int r 0 r rows r row sheet.getRow r if row null for..
Upgrade SQLite database from one version to another? DBUtils.GetColumns db TableName restore data String cols StringUtils.join columns db.execSQL String.format INSERT INTO.. INSERT INTO s s SELECT s from temp_ s TableName cols cols TableName remove backup table DROP table 'temp_ TableName.. INSERT INTO s s SELECT s from temp_ s TableName cols cols TableName remove backup table DROP table 'temp_ TableName setTransactionSuccessful..
Changing the shapes of points in scatter plot jfreechart private static XYDataset samplexydataset2 int cols 20 int rows 20 double values new double cols rows XYSeriesCollection.. int cols 20 int rows 20 double values new double cols rows XYSeriesCollection xySeriesCollection new XYSeriesCollection.. jfreechart private static XYDataset samplexydataset2 int cols 20 int rows 20 double values new double cols rows XYSeriesCollection..
refreshing background color for a row in jtable i 0 i rows.length i str rows i str Selected Column s int cols dialogTable.getSelectedColumns for int i 0 i cols.length i .. s int cols dialogTable.getSelectedColumns for int i 0 i cols.length i str cols i str Selected Cell dialogTable.getSelectedRow.. for int i 0 i cols.length i str cols i str Selected Cell dialogTable.getSelectedRow dialogTable.getSelectedColumn..
Minesweeper Action Events new JButton Reset public MineSweeper int rows int cols int mineTotal mainPanel.setLayout new BoxLayout mainPanel BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS.. BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS mineCellGrid new MineCellGrid rows cols mineTotal resetButton.setMnemonic KeyEvent.VK_R resetButton.addActionListener..
How do I rotate tick mark labels on the domain of a number axis in JFreeChart? jfreechart private static XYDataset samplexydataset int cols 20 int rows 20 XYSeriesCollection xySeriesCollection new XYSeriesCollection.. Random rand new Random for int i 0 i rows i for int j 0 j cols j double x rand.nextGaussian double y rand.nextGaussian series.add..
JTable how to change BackGround Color updating row count 1 TableModel model table.getModel int cols model.getColumnCount int row 0 for int j 0 j cols j row count.. int cols model.getColumnCount int row 0 for int j 0 j cols j row count table.changeSelection row 0 false false timer.setDelay..
JPanel with image background on JPANEL JPanel pDraw new JPanel new GridLayout ROWS COLS 2 2 pDraw.setPreferredSize new Dimension 600 600 size of the..
JFreeChart scaling of Boxplots with several Categories public class BoxAndWhiskerDemo private static final int COLS 20 private static final int VISIBLE 4 private static final int.. private void createData columns new ArrayList String COLS data new ArrayList List List Double for int i 0 i COLS i String.. COLS data new ArrayList List List Double for int i 0 i COLS i String name Category String.valueOf i 1 columns.add name..
RowFilter.NumberFilter: can't handle “mixed” concrete number types private static final int ROWS 16 private static final int COLS 4 private Double matrix new Double ROWS COLS public TableModel.. final int COLS 4 private Double matrix new Double ROWS COLS public TableModel double v 0 for Object row matrix Arrays.fill.. return ROWS @Override public int getColumnCount return COLS @Override public Object getValueAt int row int col return..