

java Programming Glossary: color.cyan

Change screen resolution in Java


Color.white Color.black Color.yellow Color.gray Color.cyan Color.pink Color.lightGray Color.magenta Color.orange Color.darkGray..

JTable Nimbus Look and Feel - how to make it clear which cell has focus


str .find setForeground Color.red setBackground Color.cyan setFont new Font Serif Font.BOLD 12 setHorizontalAlignment..

Java Bouncing Ball


black color Color.black else if ballcolor cyan color Color.cyan else if ballcolor darkGray color Color.darkGray else if ballcolor.. black color Color.black else if ballcolor cyan color Color.cyan else if ballcolor darkGray color Color.darkGray else if ballcolor..

Swing animation running extremely slow


g2d.fillOval x y SIZE SIZE public enum Hue Cyan Color.cyan Magenta Color.magenta Yellow Color.yellow Red Color.red Green..

How can I change the arrow style in a JComboBox


return new BasicArrowButton BasicArrowButton.SOUTH Color.cyan Color.magenta Color.yellow Color.blue Then install it. JComboBox..

paintComponent is executing twice


xpoint2 ypoint2 if i j Collide false page.setColor Color.cyan page.fillOval xArray i yArray i radius i radius i System.out.println..

Searching for words in textarea


painter new DefaultHighlighter.DefaultHighlightPainter Color.cyan int offset text.indexOf searchWord int length searchWord.length..

How do i align this text correctly?


static final Color colors Color.red Color.green Color.blue Color.cyan private Graphics2D g2d private AffineTransform at public RotateText..

Difference between Color.red and Color.RED


Color.red Color.pink Color.orange Color.yellow Color.green Color.cyan Color.blue Java 1.4 added the proper uppercase names for constants..

Code for changing the color of subtasks in Gantt Chart


Color.blue private static final Color subtask2Color Color.cyan private static final Color subtask3Color Color.green private..

Keeping the correct style on text retrieval


cyanPainter new DefaultHighlighter.DefaultHighlightPainter Color.cyan private Highlighter.HighlightPainter redPainter new DefaultHighlighter.DefaultHighlightPainter..

How to change highlighting color in Java Swing TextArea? And also, change the beginning of text corresponding to the highlighting location


cyanPainter new DefaultHighlighter.DefaultHighlightPainter Color.CYAN firstUpdateIndex 1 counter 0 private void createAndDisplayGUI..

Threads with Key Bindings


g2.setColor Color.ORANGE break case cyan g2.setColor Color.CYAN break case gray g2.setColor Color.GRAY break default g2.setColor..

GridBagLayout panels allignment


Runnable private Color colors Color.BLACK Color.BLUE Color.CYAN Color.GRAY Color.GREEN Color.MAGENTA Color.ORANGE Color.PINK..

Sizes of frame icons used in Swing


colors Color.GREEN Color.RED Color.YELLOW Color.WHITE Color.CYAN Color.MAGENTA Color.PINK Color.ORANGE int s 64 final int sizes..

Change color without affecting anything previously drawn


public void onClick View v view.paint.setColor Color.CYAN dialog.dismiss if btnDG null btnDG.setOnClickListener new..

Change the background color of a row in a JTable


List Color rowColours Arrays.asList Color.RED Color.GREEN Color.CYAN public void setRowColour int row Color c rowColours.set row..

Difference between Color.red and Color.RED


Color.RED Color.PINK Color.ORANGE Color.YELLOW Color.GREEN Color.CYAN Color.BLUE 2 or doesn't care about that in this case java colors..

How can I stack/overlay jPanels in Java?


this JPanel login new JPanel login.setBackground Color.CYAN login.add new JLabel Welcome to login panel. JPanel another..