java Programming Glossary: alive
What's Java Hybrid - Applet + Application? It An Applet and Application is called an hybrid and is alive and well. Ask on a separate question if you would like clarification... can't find any useful information for something that is alive and well . The keywords I used maybe slightly off so that could..
Why doesn't String's hashCode() cache 0? how these strings' hash codes are cached than anyone else alive. So you write to them and ask them to fix it. And they work..
Java Thread Garbage collected or not e as long as this line printed out you know it is alive. System.out.println thread is running... t.start Line A..
How to use to fire and handle HTTP requests? implementation is somewhat buggy with keeping connections alive. You may want to turn it off by setting the http.keepAlive system..
Are getters and setters poor design? [closed] you want to do. An example would be how to set enemies' alive status. You might be tempted to have a setAlive boolean alive.. status. You might be tempted to have a setAlive boolean alive method. Instead you should have private boolean alive true public.. alive method. Instead you should have private boolean alive true public boolean isAlive return alive public void kill alive..
Issue with Game of Life public boolean isAlive int neighbors boolean alive false if this.isLiving if neighbors 2 alive false else if neighbors.. boolean alive false if this.isLiving if neighbors 2 alive false else if neighbors 2 neighbors 3 alive true else if neighbors.. if neighbors 2 alive false else if neighbors 2 neighbors 3 alive true else if neighbors 3 alive false else if neighbors 3 alive..
Java Garbage Collection Log messages the size includes some objects that are garbage no longer alive but that cannot be reclaimed. These objects are either contained..
How to get external IP succesfully Connection keep alive connection.addRequestProperty Keep Alive 1000 connection.addRequestProperty User Agent Web Agent BufferedReader..
How to upload a file using Java HttpClient library working with PHP - strange problem binary octet stream Host localhost 9002 Connection Keep Alive User Agent Apache HttpClient 4.0 beta2 java 1.5 Expect 100 Continue.. 1.2.26 X Powered By PHP 5.2.5 Content Length 51 Keep Alive timeout 5 max 100 Connection Keep Alive Content Type text html.. Length 51 Keep Alive timeout 5 max 100 Connection Keep Alive Content Type text html Possible file upload attack filename..
Java doesn't follow redirect in URLConnection right GET 4hW294 HTTP 1.1 Host Connection Keep Alive User Agent Mozilla 5.0 Windows U Windows NT 6.0 ru RU rv
Android file uploader with server-side php POST conn.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive conn.setRequestProperty Content Type multipart form data boundary..
Upload a picture from Android to PHP server POST conn.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive conn.setRequestProperty Content Type multipart form data boundary..
Post values and upload Image to php server in android Enable http POST con.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive con.setRequestProperty Content Type multipart form data boundary..
HTTP POST request with authorization on android charset UTF 8 Content Encoding UTF 8 Connection Keep Alive HTTP 1.1 200 OK Content type text html Transfer Encoding chunked.. charset UTF 8 Content Encoding UTF 8 Connection Keep Alive Expect 100 Continue 2011 02 23 15 45 10 response.c.128 Response..
Determine size of HTTP Response? header Status Line HTTP 1.1 200 OK Connection Keep Alive Date Fri 25 Mar 2011 16 26 56 GMT Content Length 728 Check this..
PHP: SoapClient constructor is very slow (takes 3 minutes) The issue is not only with Chunked data but with Keep Alive . This can be prevented by setting the header Connection Close..