java Programming Glossary: algorithms
Sort on a string that may contain a number with numbers differently than software. Most sorting algorithms compare ASCII values which produces an ordering that is inconsistent..
Is a Java hashmap really O(1)? hashmaps are vastly different from any of the hashing algorithms I was bought up on there must always exist a dataset that contains.. case is what's usually referred to though there are some algorithms quicksort and many hashing algorithms for example that are much.. there are some algorithms quicksort and many hashing algorithms for example that are much more likely to approach average case..
Is shifting bits faster than multiplying and dividing in Java? .NET? can reduce the clarity of code for some readers and some algorithms. Is bit shifting really necessary for performance or can I expect..
Circular References in Java Wikipedia has a good article on the different GC algorithms. If you really want to learn more try Amazon Garbage Collection..
Java floating point high precision library a 2 times larger number of digits compare Multiplication algorithms . java floating point share improve this question There.. The other libraries seem to use naive multiplication algorithms that take time proportional to the square of the number of digits.. for mathematical problems matrices vectors symbolic algorithms solution of equation systems and what not. So I'll probably..
Reversing a Linked List in Java, recursively is that everything would have to be done with recursive algorithms. I was able to do everything fine sans one method public AddressList..
How to deal with “java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space” error (64MB heap size) something and you can't work around it by improving your algorithms or memory allocation patterns. Generally this will only usually.. patterns. Generally this will only usually be the case for algorithms operating on large datasets like a database or some scientific..
Port of Random generator from C to Java? bit is 1. You should be able to verify this by running the algorithms in C and Java to compare the outputs. edit here's a shot at..
Good Java graph algorithm library? had good experiences with any Java libraries for Graph algorithms. I've tried JGraph and found it ok and there are a lot of different.. graphs charts I'm looking for one that helps with Graph algorithms eg minimum spanning tree Kruskal's algorithm Nodes Edges etc... algorithm Nodes Edges etc. Ideally one with some good algorithms data structures in a nice Java OO API. java algorithm graph..
Logarithm of a BigDecimal the logarithm of a BigDecimal Does anyone know of any algorithms I can use My googling so far has come up with the useless idea..
Difference between java.util.Random and in The Art of Computer Programming Volume 3 Seminumerical Algorithms section 3.2.1. Predictability of Linear Congruential Generators..
Circular References in Java really want to learn more try Amazon Garbage Collection Algorithms for Automatic Dynamic Memory Management . Java has had a good..
What is good way to learn java? using the Java language I recommend Data Structures Algorithms In Java . The books presentation is okay some of the code is..
Garbage Collection and Threads how garbage collectors work I recommend Garbage Collection Algorithms for Automatic Dynamic Memory Management by Richard Jones. The..
Determine whether or not there exist two elements in Set S whose sum is exactly x - correct solution? is exactly x correct solution Taken from Introduction to Algorithms Describe a n lg n time algorithm that given a set S of n integers..
KDTree Implementation in Java I've found so far http software SavaAlgorithms api java http java fid7CE62747CE902D3117625B4954D85A9A6400DFDC.aspx.. kdtree share improve this question In the book Algorithms in a Nutshell there is a kd tree implementation in java along..
Image Classification Algorithms Using Java Classification Algorithms Using Java My goal is to implements different image classification..
Is Java 7 using Tim Sort for the Method Arrays.Sort? of the Fourth Annual ACM SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms pp 467 474 January 1993. Not sure if this is much different..
Java Memory Model references that address these topics Garbage collection Algorithms used along with some description. Discussions about the Java..
Quickly compare a string against a Collection in Java discussing them http 2007 4 Damn Cool Algorithms Part 1 BK Trees . A quick Google yields some Java implementations...
What hashing function does Java use to implement Hashtable class? Hashtable class From the book CLRS Introduction to Algorithms there are several hashing functions such as mod multiply etc...
Is there an off-the-shelf clock synchronization solution for Java? my recommendation Read Distributed Computing Principles Algorithms and Systems Especially Chapter 3 logical time Edit Further to..