java Programming Glossary: aggregated
Understanding JSF as a MVC framework MVC framework I read there if you don't look at it in an aggregated view the model is your entity view is your XHTML code and controller..
Print full call stack on printStackTrace()? In case of an exception entry in the log I need to collect aggregated information about the methods involved along the stack trace..
Which annotation should I use: @IdClass or @EmbeddedId fields that make the composite key because they are all aggregated in a class that is accessed trough a field access operator...
Detach an entity from JPA/EJB3 persistence context
Java's Virtual Machine and CLR it treated like a folder of code. In the CLR classes are aggregated into 'assemblies' and the CLR provides logic for reasoning about..
Combine multiple Collections into a single logical Collection? throw new UnsupportedOperationException Returns a live aggregated collection view of the collections passed in. p All methods..
Elegant ways to handle database views on hibernate entities? these views which should make it much easier to feed the aggregated data into a UI. EDIT It seems as if I didn't make the problem..