java Programming Glossary: aliasing
Java 2d rotation in direction mouse point
Difference between DTO, VO, POJO, JavaBeans? of the value object itself updatable value objects lead to aliasing problems. Early J2EE literature used the term value object to..
How do you enable anti aliasing in arbitrary Java apps? do you enable anti aliasing in arbitrary Java apps Many Java Apps don't use anti aliased.. I'm running and applications I'm developing java antialiasing share improve this question If you have access to the source..
java / pdf text rendering not exactly the same but it's due perhaps to the anti aliasing algorithm see the screenshot below . So it's not a constant..
Change Name of Import in Java, or import two classes with the same name same name and use them unqualified and there is no such aliasing mechanism in Java. Import one and use the other one by specifying..
Applying a tint to an image in java alpha layer to turn off pixels also providing smooth anti aliasing . For example in your source image every pixel is black but..
Java2D Graphics anti-aliased help me to rectify the error java graphics java 2d antialiasing share improve this question Assuming you actually want smooth.. The FontRenderContext constructor can manage the anti aliasing and fractional metrics settings. Addendum Using g2d.setColor..
Why is System.out.println so slow? a true type font that's pretty slow switching off anti aliasing could improve performance btw The displayed area may have to..
When does a JPanel paint (or repaint) its child components? a line of code to repaint the parent of the button the antialiasing kicks in even when i drag the mouse over the button. Now my.. this question I've reduced the example to just the anti aliasing and I am unable to reproduce the problem. It doesn't appear..
Declaring @Resource and @EJB at the class level in Java EE6 as well. You use this private namespace mostly for aliasing purposes . If you map something under ejb PlaceBid then all..
How to make a rounded corner image in Java This is what we want but it only does hard clipping i.e. aliasing g2.setClip new RoundRectangle2D ... so instead fake soft clipping.. the desired clip shape in fully opaque white with antialiasing enabled... g2.setComposite AlphaComposite.Src g2.setRenderingHint..