java Programming Glossary: algorithmic
Algorithm for Determining Tic Tac Toe Game Over and thus the table is somewhat small but is there a better algorithmic way of determining if the game is over The determination of..
Arcane isPrime method in Java As @Jesper and @Brian note with concision from a non algorithmic perspective consider how a regular expression would begin by..
How difficult is it to turn a “Java School” programmer into a C or C++ programmer? Well if they don't understand data structures and algorithmic complexity they aren't going to be much good at serious Java..
Is a HashMap thread-safe for different keys? disjoint set of keys then there should be no need from an algorithmic perspective for them to share a single Map. Indeed if your algorithms..
When to use LinkedList<> over ArrayList<>? array operations the various methods will have different algorithmic runtimes. For LinkedList E get int index is O n add E element..
Is it really impossible to protect Android apps from reverse engineering? How would one go about protecting an app that contains algorithmic trade secrets from reverse engineering By how I mean not only..
Declaring variables inside or outside of a loop is that you find ways to provide some nice and formal algorithmic optimizations in just a couple of places which make our program..
Calculating and printing the nth prime number and can then be stored for future use. This reduces the algorithmic complexity to if I haven't miscalculated O n 1.5 log n . At.. x here and below log must be the natural logarithm for the algorithmic complexities it is not important which base is chosen for the.. small primes from the sieve None of these reduce the algorithmic complexity but they all reduce the constant factors by a significant..