c++ Programming Glossary: yuv
What is the most efficient way to display decoded video frames in Qt? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1242005/what-is-the-most-efficient-way-to-display-decoded-video-frames-in-qt this rect img With this I still have to convert the YUV 420P to RGB32 but ffmpeg has a very fast implementation of that.. sure it could probably get even better if I could send the YUV data straight to the video card but this is plenty good enough..
Save bitmap to video (libavcodec ffmpeg) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1359620/save-bitmap-to-video-libavcodec-ffmpeg hDesktopDC 0 0 SRCCOPY And I'd like to convert it to YUV which is required by the codec i'm using . For that I use SwsContext.. c width c height PIX_FMT_BGR32 c width c height PIX_FMT_YUV420P SWS_FAST_BILINEAR NULL NULL NULL uint8_t movie_dib_bits.. for the output image int nbytes avpicture_get_size PIX_FMT_YUV420P out_width out_height create buffer for the output image..
Reading a video with openCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14833553/reading-a-video-with-opencv 0 this code doesn't work if I the file has the codec YUV 4 2 2 UYVY I record the video using Direct Show but works when.. frame I readed similar question but they use a frame in YUV 4 2 0 the video that I have has UYVY 4 2 2 I don't get how can.. a couple of links that might help you Load Save and Show YUV 420 images How to read a frame from YUV file in OpenCV Converting..
How to perform RGB->YUV conversion in C/C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1737726/how-to-perform-rgb-yuv-conversion-in-c-c to perform RGB YUV conversion in C C How to perform RGB YUV conversion in C C.. to perform RGB YUV conversion in C C How to perform RGB YUV conversion in C C I have some Bitmap.. RGB I need to convert.. in C C I have some Bitmap.. RGB I need to convert it to YUV Libs Tuts Articles c c rgb yuv share improve this question..
Converting YUV into BGR or RGB in OpenCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7954416/converting-yuv-into-bgr-or-rgb-in-opencv YUV into BGR or RGB in OpenCV I have a TV capture card that has.. I have a TV capture card that has a feed coming in as a YUV format. I've seen other posts here similar to this question.. best results were with the OpenCV cvCvtColor scr dst CV_YUV2BGR function call. I am currently unaware of the YUV format..
Problems converting YV12 to RGB through GLSL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8977489/problems-converting-yv12-to-rgb-through-glsl GLushort 2 bytes . What do you think This is how the raw YUV frame looks like and the raw frame loaded by the application.. 0 static GLint ImgWidth ImgHeight static GLushort ImageYUV NULL static void DrawObject void glBegin GL_QUADS glTexCoord2f.. yuv_file.tellg ImgWidth 1280 ImgHeight 720 ImageYUV new GLushort yuv_file_sz char memblock new char yuv_file_sz..
How to perform RGB->YUV conversion in C/C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1737726/how-to-perform-rgb-yuv-conversion-in-c-c I need to convert it to YUV Libs Tuts Articles c c rgb yuv share improve this question ImageMagick share improve..
MJPEG streaming and decoding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6022423/mjpeg-streaming-and-decoding true multipartdemux jpegdec queue videoscale 'video x raw yuv width 640 height 480' queue videorate 'video x raw yuv framerate.. raw yuv width 640 height 480' queue videorate 'video x raw yuv framerate 30 1' queue ffmpegcolorspace 'video x raw yuv format.. yuv framerate 30 1' queue ffmpegcolorspace 'video x raw yuv format fourcc I420' ffenc_mpeg4 queue filesink location stream_fifo..
Problems converting YV12 to RGB through GLSL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8977489/problems-converting-yv12-to-rgb-through-glsl GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER GL_NEAREST #endif std ifstream yuv_file data.yv12 std ios in std ios binary std ios ate if yuv_file.is_open.. data.yv12 std ios in std ios binary std ios ate if yuv_file.is_open std cout GLWidget GLWidget Failed to load yuv.. std cout GLWidget GLWidget Failed to load yuv file return int yuv_file_sz yuv_file.tellg ImgWidth 1280 ImgHeight..
Image scaling (KeepAspectRatioByExpanding) through OpenGL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9011108/image-scaling-keepaspectratiobyexpanding-through-opengl #define oglWindow_H #include QtGui QMainWindow #include ui_yuv_to_rgb.h class oglWindow public QMainWindow Q_OBJECT public.. GLWidget Failed to create _frame return std ifstream yuv_file bloco.yv12 std ios in std ios binary std ios ate if yuv_file.is_open.. bloco.yv12 std ios in std ios binary std ios ate if yuv_file.is_open qDebug GLWidget GLWidget Failed to load yuv file..