c++ Programming Glossary: yield
#pragma once vs include guards? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1143936/pragma-once-vs-include-guards think letting the compiler deal with #pragma once will yield faster compiles and is less error prone when coping and pasting...
How do I build a GUI in C++? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1186017/how-do-i-build-a-gui-in-c those events to appropriate handlers when you're done yield control back to the operating system usually with some kind.. usually with some kind of special sleep or select or yield function call then the yield function will return when the operating.. of special sleep or select or yield function call then the yield function will return when the operating system is done and you..
What is the size of void? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1666224/what-is-the-size-of-void is the size of void What would this statement yield void p void malloc sizeof void Edit An extension to the question... void Edit An extension to the question. If sizeof void yields 1 in GCC compiler then 1 byte of memory is allocated and the..
Can I assume (bool)true == (int)1 for any C++ compiler? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2725044/can-i-assume-booltrue-int1-for-any-c-compiler value will be promoted to an int and this promotion must yield 1. Reference 4.7 conv.integral 4 If the source type is bool..
Why is address zero used for null pointer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2759845/why-is-address-zero-used-for-null-pointer an integral constant expression with value zero always yields a null pointer but converting other expressions that happen.. other expressions that happen to have value zero need not yield a null pointer . a negative value might be just as usable by..
Should I use static_cast or reinterpret_cast when casting a void* to whatever http://stackoverflow.com/questions/310451/should-i-use-static-cast-or-reinterpret-cast-when-casting-a-void-to-whatever no stricter than those of T1 and back to its original type yields the original pointer value the result of such a pointer conversion.. to another not the same type using void in between will yield to an unspecified pointer value. However sometimes when you..
How do I pass a reference to a two-dimensional array to a function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/404232/how-do-i-pass-a-reference-to-a-two-dimensional-array-to-a-function reference using sizeof on the parameter sizeof array will yield sizeof int board_width board_height as if you would do it on.. thus making the compiler transform it to a pointer will yield sizeof int board_height thus merely the sizeof of a pointer...
Inspecting standard container (std::map) contents with gdb http://stackoverflow.com/questions/427589/inspecting-standard-container-stdmap-contents-with-gdb not located in memory. Using the find method does not yield better results gdb p m.find 1 Cannot evaluate function may be..
Signed/unsigned comparisons http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5416414/signed-unsigned-comparisons of arithmetic or enumeration type cause conversions and yield result types in a similar way. The purpose is to yield a common.. and yield result types in a similar way. The purpose is to yield a common type which is also the type of the result. This pattern..
Where and why do I have to put the “template” and “typename” keywords? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/610245/where-and-why-do-i-have-to-put-the-template-and-typename-keywords and then create a parse tree out of it. In C the above can yield different parse trees depending on what t means. If it's a type..
How do promotion rules work when the signedness on either side of a binary operator differ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6770258/how-do-promotion-rules-work-when-the-signedness-on-either-side-of-a-binary-opera of arithmetic or enumeration type cause conversions and yield result types in a similar way. The purpose is to yield a common.. and yield result types in a similar way. The purpose is to yield a common type which is also the type of the result. This pattern..
Why would one replace default new and delete operators? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7149461/why-would-one-replace-default-new-and-delete-operators new with one that guarantees eight byte alignment could yield big increases in program performance can be a good reason to..
Is it safe to use -1 to set all bits to true? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/809227/is-it-safe-to-use-1-to-set-all-bits-to-true is that ~0 has to invert all bits. Inverting that will yield 1 on a two's complement machine which is the value we need but.. complement machine which is the value we need but will not yield 1 on another representation. On a one's complement machine it.. another representation. On a one's complement machine it yields zero. Thus on a one's complement machine the above will initialize..
What is the difference between char a[] = “string”; and char *p = “string”; http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9460260/what-is-the-difference-between-char-a-string-and-char-p-string a string and char p string The title has been modified to yield better search results when users search using google or otherwise...