c++ Programming Glossary: yep
Fast pseudo random number generator for procedural content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/167735/fast-pseudo-random-number-generator-for-procedural-content a a a 3 a a ^ a 4 a a 0x27d4eb2d a a ^ a 15 return a Edit Yep some hash functions definitely look more suitable than others...
What does “const class” mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/206998/what-does-const-class-mean your compiler's just being polite and ignoring it. Edit Yep VC silently ignores the const GCC complains. share improve..
When are header-only libraries acceptable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2174657/when-are-header-only-libraries-acceptable case then we will have Lib1 v2 Target v2 Lib2 v2 Target v2 Yep you read it right even though Lib1 did not required the fix..
Test if stdin has input for C++ (windows and/or linux) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6839508/test-if-stdin-has-input-for-c-windows-and-or-linux STDIN fds.events POLLIN ret poll fds 1 0 if ret 1 printf Yep n else if ret 0 printf No n else printf Error n return 0 Testing..
Handling header files dependencies with cmake http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7461000/handling-header-files-dependencies-with-cmake CMakeFiles sub3.dir File1.cpp.obj .. src sub3 File1.cpp Yep that's all non of the includes were referenced at all x c dependencies..
Is the order of iterating through std::map known (and guaranteed by the standard)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7648756/is-the-order-of-iterating-through-stdmap-known-and-guaranteed-by-the-standard all elements with key greater than a concrete int value. Yep it sounds like std vector would be the better choice but notice..
What is the difference between _tmain() and main() in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/895827/what-is-the-difference-between-tmain-and-main-in-c And in a char string how is the string usually terminated Yep by a null byte. So your program sees a bunch of strings each..
Can C++ call Java code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8987089/can-c-call-java-code other method java c jni share improve this question Yep you certainly can. Here's an example Here's the java file public..