c++ Programming Glossary: y0
OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Advanced square detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10533233/opencv-c-obj-c-advanced-square-detection Mat blurred image medianBlur image blurred 9 Mat gray0 blurred.size CV_8U gray vector vector Point contours find squares.. for int c 0 c 3 c int ch c 0 mixChannels blurred 1 gray0 1 ch 1 try several threshold levels const int threshold_level.. to catch squares with gradient shading if l 0 Canny gray0 gray 10 20 3 Dilate helps to remove potential holes between..
Fast bignum square computation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18465326/fast-bignum-square-computation x1 x0 x1 x2 ...xn x2 x0 x1 x2 ...xn ...xn x0 x1 x2 ...xn y0 x0 x0 y1 x1 x0 x0 x1 y2 x2 x0 x1 x1 x0 x2 y3 x3 x0 x2 x1 x1.. 1 return int n2 n 1 _mul_karatsuba z n x n2 y n2 n2 z0 x0.y0 _mul_karatsuba z x y n2 z2 x1.y1 DWORD q new DWORD n 1 q0 q1.. cx alu.cy x0 x1 qq q n2 q0 y n2 q1 y i n2 1 _add cy alu.cy y0 y1 _mul_karatsuba q n q n2 q n2 x0 x1 y0 y1 mod 2^N 1 if cx..
Finding the centroid of a polygon? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2792443/finding-the-centroid-of-a-polygon signedArea 0.0 double x0 0.0 Current vertex X double y0 0.0 Current vertex Y double x1 0.0 Next vertex X double y1 0.0.. last int i 0 for i 0 i vertexCount 1 i x0 vertices i .x y0 vertices i .y x1 vertices i 1 .x y1 vertices i 1 .y a x0 y1.. i .y x1 vertices i 1 .x y1 vertices i 1 .y a x0 y1 x1 y0 signedArea a centroid.x x0 x1 a centroid.y y0 y1 a Do last..
Finding nearest point in an efficient way http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4509798/finding-nearest-point-in-an-efficient-way efficient way I've got a point in 2d plane for example x0 y0 and a set of n points x1 y1 ... xn yn and I want to find nearest.. x1 y1 ... xn yn and I want to find nearest point to x0 y0 in a way better than trying all points. Any solutions I should..
Portability of Native C++ properties http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5772480/portability-of-native-c-properties setX x Property Foo int Foo getY Foo setY y Foo int x0 int y0 x_ x0 y_ y0 x this y this int square int x return x x int main.. Foo int Foo getY Foo setY y Foo int x0 int y0 x_ x0 y_ y0 x this y this int square int x return x x int main int argc..