c++ Programming Glossary: ypos
Glew problems, unresolved externals http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11059971/glew-problems-unresolved-externals float camera 3 0.0f 10.0f 15.0f float xPos 0 float yPos 10 float zPos 15 float orbitDegrees 0 clock_t sTime float fPS.. Initialize the model matrix as identity gluLookAt xPos yPos zPos look from camera XYZ 0 yPos 0 look at the origin 0 1.. identity gluLookAt xPos yPos zPos look from camera XYZ 0 yPos 0 look at the origin 0 1 0 positive Y up vector glRotatef orbitDegrees..
How do you pass a member function pointer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/130322/how-do-you-pass-a-member-function-pointer where object is a template. void SetButton int xPos int yPos LPCWSTR normalFilePath LPCWSTR hoverFilePath LPCWSTR pressedFilePath.. int Height void object ButtonFunc BUTTON SetButton xPos yPos normalFilePath hoverFilePath pressedFilePath Width Height this.. class object void MenuButton SetButton int xPos int yPos LPCWSTR normalFilePath LPCWSTR hoverFilePath LPCWSTR pressedFilePath..
C++ Call Pointer To Member Function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14814158/c-call-pointer-to-member-function i hitTestList.begin i hitTestList.end i HitTest h i h xPos yPos width height Also im trying to add member functions to it here..
How to access image Data from a RGB image (3channel image) in opencv http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2325576/how-to-access-image-data-from-a-rgb-image-3channel-image-in-opencv pos 0 Taking data here is the problem how to take xPos j yPos i nPix c c opencv computer vision share improve this question..