c++ Programming Glossary: ymin
OpenCv 2.3 C - How to isolate object inside image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10315551/opencv-2-3-c-how-to-isolate-object-inside-image 1 CvRect findBB IplImage imgSrc CvRect aux int xmin xmax ymin ymax xmin xmax ymin ymax 0 findX imgSrc xmin xmax findY imgSrc.. imgSrc CvRect aux int xmin xmax ymin ymax xmin xmax ymin ymax 0 findX imgSrc xmin xmax findY imgSrc ymin ymax aux cvRect.. xmin xmax ymin ymax 0 findX imgSrc xmin xmax findY imgSrc ymin ymax aux cvRect xmin ymin xmax xmin ymax ymin printf BB d d..
vector::erase with pointer member http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2677770/vectorerase-with-pointer-member hFactor char shapeNum double visibleShape int xmin xmax ymin ymax Hyp int xx int yy double ww double hh char s x xx y yy.. shapeNum other.shapeNum xmin other.xmin xmax other.xmax ymin other.ymin ymax other.ymax int visShapeSize xmax xmin 1 ymax.. other.shapeNum xmin other.xmin xmax other.xmax ymin other.ymin ymax other.ymax int visShapeSize xmax xmin 1 ymax ymin 1 visibleShape..
How to initialize nested structures in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/629433/how-to-initialize-nested-structures-in-c point Bounding Box STRUCTURE struct BoundingBox Point ymax ymin xmax xmin PLAYER STRUCTURE struct Player vector float x players.. float ycoords of playe box.ymax 5 create bounding box box.ymin 1 box.xmax 5 box.xmin 1 1 1 1 red green blue 0.0f 0.0f r_leg..