c++ Programming Glossary: workflow
How to do alpha blend fast? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1102692/how-to-do-alpha-blend-fast this question Use SSE start around page 131. The basic workflow Load 4 pixels from src 16 1 byte numbers RGBA RGBA RGBA RGBA..
Exception vs. error-code vs. assert http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1388335/exception-vs-error-code-vs-assert of the above Some context information the normal workflow is as following. The user activates a devices chooses a report..
Good IDE/editor for C++ suited to my tastes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1754020/good-ide-editor-for-c-suited-to-my-tastes editor the harder it is to be efficient and have a fast workflow later on unless the interface is very highly customizable or..
Is there any LAME c++ wraper\simplifier (working on Linux Mac and Win from pure code)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2495420/is-there-any-lame-c-wraper-simplifier-working-on-linux-mac-and-win-from-pure of OpenSource working from pure code with pure lame code workflow simplifier. So to say I give it File with PCM and DEST file...
What to do about a 11000 lines C++ source file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3615789/what-to-do-about-a-11000-lines-c-source-file to a separate source file without messing up the SCC workflow Note on the tools We use C with Visual Studio We use AccuRev..
Using cmake to generate visual studio C++ project files http://stackoverflow.com/questions/395169/using-cmake-to-generate-visual-studio-c-project-files I want to add a new file to my project. What is the workflow for this c visual studio build process cross platform cmake..
Concatenate Strings on C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5354130/concatenate-strings-on-c-c char I should return it. errorInfo strcat Workflow strcat workflowToString workflow .utf8 strcat ERROR errorCode.utf8 sprintf.. it. errorInfo strcat Workflow strcat workflowToString workflow .utf8 strcat ERROR errorCode.utf8 sprintf errorInfo Workflow.. ERROR errorCode.utf8 sprintf errorInfo Workflow s ERROR s workflowToString workflow .utf8 errorCode.utf8 errorInfo Workflow workflowToString..
OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Proper object detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8593652/opencv-c-obj-c-proper-object-detection with OpenCV and want to detect and measure stuff. Current workflow early stage detection Convert to grayscale cv cvtColor Apply..