c++ Programming Glossary: worthless
When should I write the keyword 'inline' for a function/method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1759300/when-should-i-write-the-keyword-inline-for-a-function-method the variable function. Note Declaring templates inline is worthless. They have the linkage semantics of inline already. So specific..
Double precision in C++ (or pow(2, 1000)) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3389195/double-precision-in-c-or-pow2-1000 haha... Edit Something outside the standard libs is worthless to me only dead tree code is allowed in those contests and I'm..
How-to ensure that compiler optimizations don't introduce a security risk? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3785366/how-to-ensure-that-compiler-optimizations-dont-introduce-a-security-risk unsuitable string handling class makes all your concerns worthless you'll have the password copied all over the program memory..
C++ Returning reference to local variable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4643713/c-returning-reference-to-local-variable int i dies making the reference returned from the function worthless because it now refers to an object that doesn't exist. int main..
C++ standard library - when should I use it and when shouldn't I? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4764325/c-standard-library-when-should-i-use-it-and-when-shouldnt-i mutilate code and reduce my programs to smoking piles of worthless bytes if given a chance. I do this because I live by the motto..
Printing a string to a temporary stream object in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8013900/printing-a-string-to-a-temporary-stream-object-in-c DOWN endl Now before you say But Zack that code is totally worthless The object is destroyed at the end of the line how would you..
Circular lock-free buffer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/871234/circular-lock-free-buffer because an extra 1 millisecond delay could make the system worthless or worth a lot less. The design idea I'm leaning toward is a..
Ignore byte-order marks in C++, reading from a stream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8880548/ignore-byte-order-marks-in-c-reading-from-a-stream only problem is that wchar_t is widely recognized to be worthless these days and so you probably shouldn't do this. std wifstream.. wchar_t 0x10FFFF std consume_header wchar_t is worthless because it is specified to do just one thing provide a fixed.. conversions. The fixed sized representation itself is worthless for two reasons first many code points have semantic meanings..