c++ Programming Glossary: wnd
How to explicitly set taskbar icon? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1014101/how-to-explicitly-set-taskbar-icon MAKEINTRESOURCE iconId ATOM atom RegisterClassEx wcex HWND wnd CreateWindow wcex.lpszClassName taskbarTitle WS_ICONIC WS_DISABLED.. WS_DISABLED 1000 1000 1 1 NULL NULL hInstance NULL return wnd int APIENTRY _tWinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance.. hPrevInstance LPTSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow HWND wnd CreateDummyWindow hInstance IDI_ICON1 _T Test MessageBox wnd..
Dynamic menu using mfc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3673546/dynamic-menu-using-mfc Text ... Then add this sub menu to your main menu wnd GetMenu AppendMenu MF_POPUP UINT_PTR menu m_hMenu Menu Name..
Call a C++ function from C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/991383/call-a-c-function-from-c-sharp