c++ Programming Glossary: wno
C++ vector that *doesn't* initialize its members? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11149665/c-vector-that-doesnt-initialize-its-members Os fcatch undefined behavior ftrapv pedantic Weverything Wno c 98 compat Wno c 98 compat pedantic Wno missing prototypes.. behavior ftrapv pedantic Weverything Wno c 98 compat Wno c 98 compat pedantic Wno missing prototypes C 11 has a helper.. Weverything Wno c 98 compat Wno c 98 compat pedantic Wno missing prototypes C 11 has a helper for uninitialized storage..
Symbol not found when using template defined in a library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18543980/symbol-not-found-when-using-template-defined-in-a-library link. Output if g Isrc Wall Wextra O3 std c 11 g gdwarf 2 Wno write strings MM src main.cpp build main.o.d then rm build main.o.d.. main.o.d exit 1 fi g Wall Wextra O3 std c 11 g gdwarf 2 Wno write strings Isrc c src main.cpp o build main.o g build main.o.. make all if g Isrc Wall Wextra O3 std c 11 g gdwarf 2 Wno write strings MM src main.cpp build main.o.d then rm build main.o.d..
MinGW linker error: winsock http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2033608/mingw-linker-error-winsock sockets. My command for linking looks like g .exe Wall Wno long long pedantic lwsock32 o dist Windows piskvorky there are.. a lot of object files and I have also tried g .exe Wall Wno long long pedantic lws2_32 o dist Windows piskvorky there are..
C++ template function compiles in header but not implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3040480/c-template-function-compiles-in-header-but-not-implementation .cpp file I get the following error. g c dumper2.cpp Wall Wno deprecated g dum.cpp o dum dumper2.o Wall Wno deprecated tmp.. Wall Wno deprecated g dum.cpp o dum dumper2.o Wall Wno deprecated tmp ccKD2e3G.o In function `main' dum.cpp .text 0xce..
overloading friend operator<< for template class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4660123/overloading-friend-operator-for-template-class already been declared and add after the function name here Wno non template friend disables this warning tmp cc6VTWdv.o uppgift4.cc..
Flags to enable thorough and verbose g++ warnings http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5088460/flags-to-enable-thorough-and-verbose-g-warnings Wundef Wnested externs Wcast qual Wshadow Wwrite strings Wno unused parameter Wfloat equal pedantic ansi I will build at.. Wlogical op Wmissing declarations Wmissing include dirs Wnoexcept Wold style cast Woverloaded virtual Wredundant decls Wshadow.. sentinel Wstrict overflow 5 Wswitch default Wundef Werror Wno unused Questionable warnings that are present I include Wno..