c++ Programming Glossary: worked
Algorithm improvement for Coca-Cola can shape recognition http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10168686/algorithm-improvement-for-coca-cola-can-shape-recognition recognition One of the most interesting projects I've worked in the past couple years as I was still a student was a final.. . In theory at least... Results Now while this approach worked in the basic cases it was severely lacking in some areas It..
What is the name of this operator: “-->”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1642028/what-is-the-name-of-this-operator .moderated I was completely surprised that it compiled and worked in both Visual Studio 2008 and G 4.4. The code #include stdio.h..
C/C++ Web Server Library? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/175507/c-c-web-server-library so I'd love to hear what folks have done and what has worked and what hasn't. c c http share improve this question How..
Incrementing in C++ - When to use x++ or ++x? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1812990/incrementing-in-c-when-to-use-x-or-x to use which... I've never really used x and things always worked fine so far but when should I use it Exemple In a for loop when..
C++ Static member initalization (template fun inside) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1819131/c-static-member-initalization-template-fun-inside just output an empty string. 1 and 2 uncommented That this worked for you is luck or the opposite . There is no requirement for..
How to compile a 64-bit application using Visual C++ 2010 Express? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1865069/how-to-compile-a-64-bit-application-using-visual-c-2010-express Toolset from v100 to Windows7.1SDK . These steps have worked for me anyway. Some more details on step 2 can be found in a..
How to print function pointers with cout? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2064692/how-to-print-function-pointers-with-cout pointer using cout and found it did not work. But it worked after I converting the function pointer to void so does printf..
What are some uses of template template parameters in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/213761/what-are-some-uses-of-template-template-parameters-in-c of the right type for the vectors elements This would have worked. template template class class V class T void f const V T v..
c++/cli pass (managed) delegate to unmanaged code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2972452/c-cli-pass-managed-delegate-to-unmanaged-code instance of it before you can get a function pointer. This worked well #include stdafx.h using namespace System using namespace..
Similar String algorithm http://stackoverflow.com/questions/451884/similar-string-algorithm Did you mean feature... EDIT In talking with a friend he worked with a guy who wrote a paper on this topic. I thought I might..
undefined reference to `WinMain@16' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5259714/undefined-reference-to-winmain16 i ^subsystem Subsystem 00000002 Windows GUI C test _ That worked fine with the GNU toolchain. But what about the Microsoft toolchain..
In C++ books, array bound must be constant expression, but why the following code works? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5947661/in-c-books-array-bound-must-be-constant-expression-but-why-the-following-cod int a n for int i 0 i n i a i i 1 cout a i endl return 0 worked fine in Xcode4 under Mac as said in books it should be wrong..
Can a local variable's memory be accessed outside its scope? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6441218/can-a-local-variables-memory-be-accessed-outside-its-scope of storages associated with local variables can be worked out ahead of time. For this reason local variables are usually..
How to find all possible subsets of a given array? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/679203/how-to-find-all-possible-subsets-of-a-given-array 2^N to the elements in the x th subset of S . Once you've worked out how to enumerate the elements of a given subset adding the..
Why do all these crazy function pointer definitions all work? What is really going on? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6893285/why-do-all-these-crazy-function-pointer-definitions-all-work-what-is-really-goi The crazy part to me anyway is that all seven pointers worked and successfully called the function printing Foo to you too..
OpenCV with Network Cameras http://stackoverflow.com/questions/712998/opencv-with-network-cameras this question rtsp protocol did not work for me. mjpeg worked first try. I assume it is built into my camera Dlink DCS 900..
Calculating size of an array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/720077/calculating-size-of-an-array arr Also tried foo int arr foo int arr neither of which worked printf arr x n arr printf sizeof arr d n G_N_ELEMENTS arr int..
Convert string to int C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7663709/convert-string-to-int-c a bit and I've found a few solutions but none of them have worked yet. Looking at converting a string to an int and I don't mean..