c++ Programming Glossary: worse
What's “wrong” with C++ wchar_t and wstrings? What are some alternatives to wide characters? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11107608/whats-wrong-with-c-wchar-t-and-wstrings-what-are-some-alternatives-to-wide such as are possible with ASCII. In this UTF 8 is no worse than any other Unicode encoding. In fact it may be considered..
C++ superclass constructor calling rules http://stackoverflow.com/questions/120876/c-superclass-constructor-calling-rules Unlike Java C supports multiple inheritance for better or worse so the base class must be referred to by name rather than super..
What is “cache-friendly” code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16699247/what-is-cache-friendly-code every cache miss results in fetching data from RAM or worse ... which takes a lot of time hundreds of cycles for RAM tens.. CPU die e.g. accessing RAM or higher . This will only get worse over time. The increase in processor frequency is currently..
Why does C# not provide the C++ style 'friend' keyword? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/203616/why-does-c-sharp-not-provide-the-c-style-friend-keyword two classes' implementations together which is much worse then if you just coupled their interface. share improve this..
Public Data members vs Getters, Setters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2977007/public-data-members-vs-getters-setters and what data should not. With public members it is even worse because the tendency becomes to make everything public. Instead..
In C++, is it still bad practice to return a vector from a function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3134831/in-c-is-it-still-bad-practice-to-return-a-vector-from-a-function the past the first form could have had order of magnitude worse performance. As a result the first form was a major code smell..
std::vector is so much slower than plain arrays? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3664272/stdvector-is-so-much-slower-than-plain-arrays in 2.216 seconds The vector now performance only slightly worse than the array. IMO this difference is insignificant and could..
What is memory fragmentation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3770457/what-is-memory-fragmentation in testing for preference . The standard libraries are no worse than anything else that allocates memory and standard containers..
Compling C++ on remote Linux machine - “clock skew detected” warning http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3824500/compling-c-on-remote-linux-machine-clock-skew-detected-warning this situation can cause unnecessary files to be built or worse necessary files to not be built. However if you are building..
Rationale of enforcing some operators to be members http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3938036/rationale-of-enforcing-some-operators-to-be-members case of frozen historical accident. He notes that It looks worse now than it was then because our rules for lvalues and references..
RAII and smart pointers in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/395123/raii-and-smart-pointers-in-c time the caller gets the pointer it's useless and arguably worse than useless since using it could cause all sorts of funky errors..
Pointers, smart pointers or shared pointers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/417481/pointers-smart-pointers-or-shared-pointers
C++, template argument can not be deduced http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6060824/c-template-argument-can-not-be-deduced std map double double Type This makes the situation even worse. Now you've the following TMap SomeType Type std map double..
Implementing comparision operators via 'tuple' and 'tie', a good idea? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6218812/implementing-comparision-operators-via-tuple-and-tie-a-good-idea if they are both of the same type. This gets even worse for more than two members as nesting pair s pretty much sucks...
Can a local variable's memory be accessed outside its scope? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6441218/can-a-local-variables-memory-be-accessed-outside-its-scope break them accidentally. I certainly have many times. And worse the problem often only surfaces when memory is detected to be..
Should C++ eliminate header files? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/752793/should-c-eliminate-header-files not the same. Partial classes actually make the problem worse because a class definition is spread across several files. As..
Boolean expression (grammar) parser in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8706356/boolean-expression-grammar-parser-in-c in roughly 50 lines of code. Things could be considerably worse. template typename It typename Skipper qi space_type struct..
Why does the use of 'new' cause memory leaks? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8839943/why-does-the-use-of-new-cause-memory-leaks in order to clean it up However your second example is worse you're dereferencing the pointer and making a copy of the object...
Is there any real risk to deriving from the C++ STL containers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/922248/is-there-any-real-risk-to-deriving-from-the-c-stl-containers specific answerable question not a discussion of better or worse practice. Show the worst thing that can happen as a consequence..