c++ Programming Glossary: viewed
Is it possible to read infinity or NaN values using input streams? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11420263/is-it-possible-to-read-infinity-or-nan-values-using-input-streams
Confused when boost::asio::io_service run method blocks/unblocks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15568100/confused-when-boostasioio-service-run-method-blocks-unblocks These functions also known as initiating functions can be viewed as being composed of three steps that occur at different points..
Skewed frustum/off-axis projection for head tracking in OpenGL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16723674/skewed-frustum-off-axis-projection-for-head-tracking-in-opengl glutMainLoop return 0 The following images should be viewed from a distance equal to 135 of their width on screen 70 cm..
Fastest way in C to determine if an integer is between two integers (inclusive) with known sets of values http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17095324/fastest-way-in-c-to-determine-if-an-integer-is-between-two-integers-inclusive is really a nop just a change in how the same bits are viewed. Note that in a typical case you can pre compute upper lower.. the basic idea is pretty simple a negative number when viewed as an unsigned number will be larger than anything that started..
c++11 Return value optimization or move? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17473753/c11-return-value-optimization-or-move Effectively the construction of the local object t can be viewed as directly initializing the global object t2 and that object..
c++ program for reading an unknown size csv file (filled only with floats) with constant (but unknown) number of columns into an array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18818777/c-program-for-reading-an-unknown-size-csv-file-filled-only-with-floats-with of reading the values individually each line can be viewed as a sequence of values if the separators are read automatically...
Address of function is not actual code address http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2485336/address-of-function-is-not-actual-code-address 3C 01 mov dword ptr printaddr offset print 13C1429h EDIT I viewed the code at address 013C4F10 and the compiler is apparently..
STL Rope - when and where to use http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2826431/stl-rope-when-and-where-to-use representation. The time required for concatenation can be viewed as constant for most applications. It is perfectly reasonable..
(static initialization/template instantiation) problems with factory pattern http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2851991/static-initialization-template-instantiation-problems-with-factory-pattern call to map at alternativly the code and its output can be viewed here intererestingly the code works as expected if the commented..
How to dllimport in Microsoft Visual C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4041149/how-to-dllimport-in-microsoft-visual-c could be exported from a dll in several ways when viewed with dependencywalker Initialize was either exported via a .DEF..
What exactly is an 'aligned pointer'? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4322926/what-exactly-is-an-aligned-pointer by its own size which I've assumed to be 8 . When viewed in binary an address aligned to n bytes will have its log2 n..
In C++, why struct is in fact class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4427759/in-c-why-struct-is-in-fact-class functionality over C structures but as C structures can be viewed as a degenerate C class it is simplest to allow them to be exactly..
When to use volatile with multi threading? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4557979/when-to-use-volatile-with-multi-threading basically using the C type system in a way that is often viewed as a contrivance and can evoke Undefined Behavior. volatile..
mmap() vs. reading blocks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/45972/mmap-vs-reading-blocks I can't say for certain that the system call mmap viewed as a black box will always always always be substantially faster..
“No newline at end of file” compiler warning http://stackoverflow.com/questions/72271/no-newline-at-end-of-file-compiler-warning a file with no newline at the end to the parser it will be viewed as if the last line of foo.h is on the same line as the first..
C++ standard library and Boehm garbage collector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8016945/c-standard-library-and-boehm-garbage-collector become generated by the application itself which could be viewed as a high level domain specific language on Linux AMD64 Debian..
Is there ever a need for a “do {…} while ( )” loop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/994905/is-there-ever-a-need-for-a-do-while-loop of course be rewritten to a while loop but this is usually viewed as a much more elegant solution. share improve this answer..