c++ Programming Glossary: violations
Is there a generally accepted idiom for indicating C++ code can throw exceptions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1261558/is-there-a-generally-accepted-idiom-for-indicating-c-code-can-throw-exceptions for this to be effective. Not enforced at compile time so violations turn into run time problems which is what I'm trying to avoid..
How to create minidump for my process when it crashes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1547211/how-to-create-minidump-for-my-process-when-it-crashes function call things i.e. wrong destruction order access violations uninitialized accessed or missing NULL checks etc. BTW if your..
Does std::atomic<std::string> work appropriately? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16876410/does-stdatomicstdstring-work-appropriately is no statement that the implementation must diagnose violations of this requirement. So either a your use of std atomic std.. is no statement that the implementation must diagnose violations of this requirement. C 11 1.4 1 makes it clear that The set.. implementations are in fact required to diagnose violations of the requirement that The type of the template argument T..
Can main function call itself in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2128321/can-main-function-call-itself-in-c should do according to §1.4.2 If a program contains no violations of the rules in this International Standard a conforming implementation..
What will happen when I call a member function on a NULL object pointer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2533476/what-will-happen-when-i-call-a-member-function-on-a-null-object-pointer
Is there a way to test whether a C++ class has a default constructor (other than compiler-provided type traits)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2733377/is-there-a-way-to-test-whether-a-c-class-has-a-default-constructor-other-than fails to compile access violation FCD demands that access violations be unrecoverable indeed it's murky q is default constructible..
Confused about std::runtime_error vs. std::logic_error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2924058/confused-about-stdruntime-error-vs-stdlogic-error presumably detectable before the program executes such as violations of logical preconditions or class invariants. A command line..
Catching access violation exceptions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/457577/catching-access-violation-exceptions bad that would incur a performance hit. Things like access violations or division by zero errors are more like machine exceptions..
Sharing memory between modules http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4616148/sharing-memory-between-modules modules but I think you're setting yourself up for ODR violations. Be really particular about keeping the common data POD. share..
Why is a POD in a struct zero-initialized by an implicit constructor when creating an object in the heap or a temporary object in the stack? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4932781/why-is-a-pod-in-a-struct-zero-initialized-by-an-implicit-constructor-when-creati
<< and >> in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5123674/and-in-c you want. This is probably one of the most blatant violations of sensible operator overloading in C but that is just how std..
Why does my C++ compiler allow recursive calls to main? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5177167/why-does-my-c-compiler-allow-recursive-calls-to-main rule . According to §1.4.2 If a program contains no violations of the rules in this International Standard a conforming implementation..
What are the advantages and disadvantages of separating declaration and definition as in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/645778/what-are-the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-separating-declaration-and-definiti for users of any components you provide. Chances of ODR violations. Reliance on the pre processor many modern languages do not..
Simplest way to count instances of an object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7097679/simplest-way-to-count-instances-of-an-object
Reason for using non-type template parameter instead of regular parameter? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7395700/reason-for-using-non-type-template-parameter-instead-of-regular-parameter a huge class of runtime errors from occur by detecting the violations at compile time. You can use non type arguments to implement..
Can SFINAE detect private access violations? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8984013/can-sfinae-detect-private-access-violations SFINAE detect private access violations I wonder whether if i test for some member of a class and the..
boost::weak_ptr<T>.lock() Crashes with a SIGSEGV Segmentation Fault http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9948113/boostweak-ptrt-lock-crashes-with-a-sigsegv-segmentation-fault pointers. Here are the most common smart pointer rules violations An object must only be referenced through a single chain of..