c++ Programming Glossary: vid
SetupDiGetDeviceProperty http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3438366/setupdigetdeviceproperty Can anybody provide me with an example of using SetupDiGetDeviceProperty c windows.. default break if szVid 0 TEXT ' 0' _tprintf TEXT vid s n szVid if szPid 0 TEXT ' 0' _tprintf TEXT pid s n szPid.. ContainerId AB5F3BBF 21FC 11E2 9436 70F3954A2325 vid VID_046D pid PID_C52B USB VID_046D PID_C52B MI_00 7 33519F3A..
How to get the Drive Letter for the DevicePath http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2995957/how-to-get-the-drive-letter-for-the-devicepath DevicePath using this Device path i get VID AND PID of the usb device my device path looks like below usb#vid_1a8d..
Find and eject a USB device based on its VID/PID http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4065473/find-and-eject-a-usb-device-based-on-its-vid-pid and eject a USB device based on its VID PID I want to send an eject command to a specific USB device.. eject command to a specific USB device identified by it's VID and PID. I can find the device by using SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo.. and SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty and matching the VID PID numbers in the HARDWAREID string but that's as far as I've..
Detecting USB Insertion / Removal Events in Windows using C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4078909/detecting-usb-insertion-removal-events-in-windows-using-c needs to handle USB insertion removal events. I know the VID PID of the device of interest. However I don't have access to..