c++ Programming Glossary: videocapture
OpenCV won't compile due to unresolved externals — LNK2019 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10472393/opencv-wont-compile-due-to-unresolved-externals-lnk2019 external symbol public virtual double __thiscall cv VideoCapture get int get@VideoCapture@cv@@UAENH@Z referenced in function.. virtual double __thiscall cv VideoCapture get int get@VideoCapture@cv@@UAENH@Z referenced in function _main 1 openCVTest.obj error.. unresolved external symbol public virtual __thiscall cv VideoCapture ~VideoCapture void 1VideoCapture@cv@@UAE@XZ referenced in function..
OpenCV frame capture from AVI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10569510/opencv-frame-capture-from-avi is more direct and efficient and more clear to your eyes VideoCapture _videoSource if _videoSource.open test1.avi exit 1 Exit if fail..
How to write video file in OpenCV 2.4.3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13623394/how-to-write-video-file-in-opencv-2-4-3 to read and write a video file. My code is like this cv VideoCapture video video.open D testVideo.avi cv VideoWriter output output.open.. webcam and write them on a video file Load input video cv VideoCapture input_cap argv 1 if input_cap.isOpened std cout Input video..
OpenCV on Mac is not opening USB web camera http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14187866/opencv-on-mac-is-not-opening-usb-web-camera USB web camera I have been unsuccessful using OpenCV 's VideoCapture.open int to get video capture from a USB web cam in my MacBook.. application. Here is a portion of the code that I'm using VideoCapture cap for int i 1 i 1500 i if cap.open i cout Found camera d..
OpenCV C++ Video Capture does not seem to work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3940780/opencv-c-video-capture-does-not-seem-to-work #include highgui.h using namespace cv int main int char VideoCapture cap 0 open the default camera if cap.isOpened check if we succeeded.. 0 break the camera will be deinitialized automatically in VideoCapture destructor return 0 The program compiles fine but when I try..
How to count cameras in OpenCV 2.3? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7322939/how-to-count-cameras-in-opencv-2-3 count cameras like this for int device 0 device 10 device VideoCapture cap device if cap.isOpened return device If I have a camera.. this ticket on OpenCV bug tracker for details. Behavior of VideoCapture is undefined for device numbers greater then number of devices..
Audio output with video processing with opencv http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8187745/audio-output-with-video-processing-with-opencv setup some SDL stuff related to Audio setup_ffmpeg argv 1 VideoCapture cap argv 1 open the default camera if cap.isOpened check if.. break the camera will be deinitialized automatically in VideoCapture destructor Close the codec avcodec_close pCodecCtx Close the..
How to read in a video file as grayscale http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8408597/how-to-read-in-a-video-file-as-grayscale stackoverflow.com a 3444370 176769 With the C interface VideoCapture cap 0 if cap.isOpened print error msg return 1 namedWindow gray..
Decode audio and video and process both streams — ffmpeg, sdl, opencv http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9429342/decode-audio-and-video-and-process-both-streams-ffmpeg-sdl-opencv setup some SDL stuff related to Audio setup_ffmpeg argv 1 VideoCapture cap argv 1 if cap.isOpened std cout Failed to load file std.. break the camera will be deinitialized automatically in VideoCapture destructor Close the codec avcodec_close pCodecCtx Close the..
Use OpenCV Threshold with Kinect Image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9470375/use-opencv-threshold-with-kinect-image Threshold with the depthImage retrieved by the OpenCV VideoCapture module but I get the following error OpenCV Error Bad argument.. highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv2 gpu gpu.hpp cv VideoCapture kinect cv Mat rgbMap cv Mat dispMap bool newFrame void setup..
How to display a cv::Mat in a Windows Form application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9580397/how-to-display-a-cvmat-in-a-windows-form-application Object^ sender System EventArgs^ e namedWindow video 0 VideoCapture cap 0 flag true while flag Mat frame cap frame get a new frame..