c++ Programming Glossary: virtualprotect
Heap corruption under Win32; how to locate? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1069/heap-corruption-under-win32-how-to-locate Rewrite operators new and delete to use VirtualAlloc and VirtualProtect to mark memory as read only as soon as it's done with. Run under..
Watch a memory location/install 'data breakpoint' from code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1689019/watch-a-memory-location-install-data-breakpoint-from-code set the permissions of the page to allow reads only using VirtualProtect on Windows ... not sure for Linux . This way you will get an..
Modern equivalent of BoundsChecker for Visual Studio 2008 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2560858/modern-equivalent-of-boundschecker-for-visual-studio-2008 a new delete wrapper that locks unused freed memory using VirtualProtect yeah I know that default allocation block will have to be PAGE_SIZE.. only disadvantage . If you are on linux it probably have VirtualProtect alternative. In this case any outrageous out of bounds access..
Delphi problems converting VirtualProtect EAT hook routines from C to Delphi http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9484319/delphi-problems-converting-virtualprotect-eat-hook-routines-from-c-to-delphi problems converting VirtualProtect EAT hook routines from C to Delphi I'm trying to convert this.. DWORD old_function DWORD hModule DWORD oldProtection if VirtualProtect functions i sizeof DWORD PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE oldProtection.. DWORD PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE oldProtection MessageBox 0 VirtualProtect failed Error 0 return false functions i reinterpret_cast..
C++: Working with the CPU cache http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9544094/c-working-with-the-cpu-cache share improve this question On Windows you can use VirtualProtect ptr length PAGE_NOCACHE oldFlags to set the caching behavior..