c++ Programming Glossary: stl
CSV parser in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1120140/csv-parser-in-c and efficient Does anyone have faster algorithms using STL or anything else Thanks c parsing text csv share improve..
How to split a string in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/236129/how-to-split-a-string-in-c example of the power and elegance behind the design of the STL. #include iostream #include string #include sstream #include..
Pretty-print C++ STL containers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4850473/pretty-print-c-stl-containers print C STL containers Please take note of the updates at the end of this.. that once and for all takes care of pretty printing all STL containers via operator . In pseudo code I'm looking for something..
What's this STL vs. “C++ Standard Library” fight all about? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5205491/whats-this-stl-vs-c-standard-library-fight-all-about this STL vs. &ldquo C Standard Library&rdquo fight all about closed .. article to my attention that claims I'm paraphrasing the STL term is misused to refer to the entire C Standard Library instead.. Library instead of the parts that were taken from SGI STL. ... it refers to the STL despite the fact that very few people..
Why is it wrong to use std::auto_ptr<> with standard containers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/111478/why-is-it-wrong-to-use-stdauto-ptr-with-standard-containers it wrong to use std auto_ptr with standard containers c stl raii auto ptr c faq share improve this question The C Standard..
std::endl is of unknown type when overloading operator<< http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1134388/stdendl-is-of-unknown-type-when-overloading-operator What is the work around for making my_stream endl work c stl operator overloading share improve this question std endl..
How to overload std::swap() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11562/how-to-overload-stdswap be used by the std containers c performance optimization stl c faq share improve this question You're not allowed by..
Why use iterators instead of array indices? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/131241/why-use-iterators-instead-of-array-indices that the second way is preferred. Why exactly is this c stl iterator share improve this question The first form is efficient..
Sorting a vector of custom objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1380463/sorting-a-vector-of-custom-objects custom object should be used. Am I on the right track c stl sorting share improve this question A simple example using..
Read a password from std::cin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1413445/read-a-password-from-stdcin Here there are ways to do this in both Windows and nix. c stl password protection share improve this question @wrang wrang..
UTF8 to/from wide char conversion in STL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/148403/utf8-to-from-wide-char-conversion-in-stl OSes and I'm limited to standard C library. c unicode stl utf 8 character encoding share improve this question UTF8..
What are the Complexity guarantees of the standard containers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/181693/what-are-the-complexity-guarantees-of-the-standard-containers O ln n Equality O n InEquality O n Element Access O 1 c stl containers big o share improve this question Start here..
Parsing a comma-delimited std::string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1894886/parsing-a-comma-delimited-stdstring numbers such as 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 . c string parsing stl csv share improve this question #include vector #include..
Is it okay to inherit implementation from STL containers, rather than delegate? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2034916/is-it-okay-to-inherit-implementation-from-stl-containers-rather-than-delegate variables used in conjunction with the collection. c stl share improve this question The risk is deallocating through..
C++: Easiest way to initialize an STL vector with hardcoded elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2236197/c-easiest-way-to-initialize-an-stl-vector-with-hardcoded-elements I could shorten it using macro magic... Other ideas c stl vector initialization stdvector share improve this question..
std::vector is so much slower than plain arrays? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3664272/stdvector-is-so-much-slower-than-plain-arrays 4 seconds . This is really huge IMO. c arrays performance stl vector share improve this question Using the following g..
push_back vs emplace_back http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4303513/push-back-vs-emplace-back the purpose of emplace_back becomes c visual studio 2010 stl c 11 move semantics share improve this question In addition..
Thou shalt not inherit from std::vector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4353203/thou-shalt-not-inherit-from-stdvector Now it's up to you to forgive me or not c oop inheritance stl vector share improve this question Actually there is nothing..
In which scenario do I use a particular STL Container? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/471432/in-which-scenario-do-i-use-a-particular-stl-container explain this to me Example code is much prefered. c stl containers share improve this question This cheat sheet..
What's this STL vs. “C++ Standard Library” fight all about? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5205491/whats-this-stl-vs-c-standard-library-fight-all-about from using the term STL Or is this an isolated opinion c stl std c faq share improve this question The STL was written..
Alternative to vector<bool> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/670308/alternative-to-vectorbool my_bool bool the_bool vector my_bool haha_i_tricked_you c stl vector boolean share improve this question Use std deque..
Remove spaces from std::string in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/83439/remove-spaces-from-stdstring-in-c and build a new string but is there a better way c stl share improve this question The best thing to do is to use..