c++ Programming Glossary: steal
What are the pros and cons of writing C#/Xaml vs. C++/Xaml WinRT applications in Windows8? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10031929/what-are-the-pros-and-cons-of-writing-c-xaml-vs-c-xaml-winrt-applications-in compared with obfuscated .NET code. Though sly thieves can steal your IP regardless. Since .NET was created first for the convenience..
Tree implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1036504/tree-implementation if you are looking for an ANSI C implementation you can steal it from FreeBSD. The file you are looking for is called radix.c..
What does auto&& tell us? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13230480/what-does-auto-tell-us does this imply for var Does it mean we are allowed to steal the resources of var Are there any reasonable situations when.. . What does this mean as to whether we can or when we can steal resources from var Well since the auto will bind to anything.. it's an rvalue we don't need std forward 's permission to steal its resources. In this specific case knowing that foo returns..
Give focus to a Window launched from a system service using CreateProcessAsUser http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17451033/give-focus-to-a-window-launched-from-a-system-service-using-createprocessasuser processing of the WM_HOTKEY message you should be able to steal the focus . Remenber It's BAD to steal focus but I fully understand.. should be able to steal the focus . Remenber It's BAD to steal focus but I fully understand the what my client is asking part...
Why is ++i considered an l-value, but i++ is not? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/371503/why-is-i-considered-an-l-value-but-i-is-not can bind to an rvalue. The rationale is to be able to steal away resources from those anonymous objects and avoid copies.. would cause a copy first and for the second case it will steal the resources from the rvalue Object o1 a lvalue can't steal... the resources from the rvalue Object o1 a lvalue can't steal. It will deep copy. Object o2 a rvalue steal resources like..
Getting started with client-server networking http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4046404/getting-started-with-client-server-networking But sometimes you don't want that the BufferedReader steals the bytes after the newline and put them into his own buffer... by byte and checks for a newline. So this method doesn't steal the bytes from the underlying InputStream. share improve this..
C++: rationale behind hiding rule http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4837399/c-rationale-behind-hiding-rule when making changes to a base class that could otherwise steal calls that before would have been handled by the derived class..
What optimization does move semantics provide if we already have RVO? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5031778/what-optimization-does-move-semantics-provide-if-we-already-have-rvo a so called const lvalue . If you want for instance to steal the resources of a temporary object then you want move semantics.. object then you want move semantics example you can steal the contents a std unique_ptr points to . Move semantics allow..
smart pointers (boost) explained http://stackoverflow.com/questions/569775/smart-pointers-boost-explained them without pitfalls. unique_ptr will automatically steal resources from a temporary other unique_ptr which is one of..
Can a local variable's memory be accessed outside its scope? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6441218/can-a-local-variables-memory-be-accessed-outside-its-scope out the next morning but forget to give back your key. You steal the key A week later you return to the hotel do not check in..
Explicit destructor in templated context http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6845779/explicit-destructor-in-templated-context compact storage amortized O 1 push_back and the ability to steal another vector's contents with the swap member. c templates..
How do I force my app to come to the front and take focus? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/688337/how-do-i-force-my-app-to-come-to-the-front-and-take-focus dialogbasedapp share improve this question You can't steal focus. Period. See this Old New Thing article http blogs.msdn.com..