c++ Programming Glossary: stderr
Which I/O library do you use in your C++ code? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/119098/which-i-o-library-do-you-use-in-your-c-code 2 nonsense output just to exemplify stdio version fprintf stderr at p s mean value .3f of 4d samples n stats stats name stats..
Reading from text file until EOF repeats last line http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21647/reading-from-text-file-until-eof-repeats-last-line x remains 30 and the ios eofbit is raised. You output to stderr x which is 30 just like in the previous iteration . Next you..
OpenCV: process every frame http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3907028/opencv-process-every-frame width frame height frame depth 1 if gray_frame fprintf stderr cvCreateImage failed n return NULL cvCvtColor frame gray_frame.. capture 0 capture cvCaptureFromCAM 1 if capture fprintf stderr Cannot open initialize webcam n return Create a window for.. key 27 ESC frame cvQueryFrame capture if frame fprintf stderr cvQueryFrame failed n break Execute callback on each frame..
What is the meaning of “… …” token? i.e. double ellipsis operator on parameter pack http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5625600/what-is-the-meaning-of-token-i-e-double-ellipsis-operator-on-paramet
How can I redirect stdout to some visible display in a Windows Application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/573724/how-can-i-redirect-stdout-to-some-visible-display-in-a-windows-application Is there a fairly simple way to redirect stdout and stderr to a text control or other visible place. Ideally this would..
C++ SMTP Example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/58210/c-smtp-example hp gethostbyname host_id if hp struct hostent 0 fprintf stderr s unknown host n host_id exit 2 Connect to port 25 on remote..
How to generate a stacktrace when my gcc C++ app crashes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/77005/how-to-generate-a-stacktrace-when-my-gcc-c-app-crashes that installs a SIGSEGV handler and prints a stacktrace to stderr when it segfaults. The baz function here causes the segfault.. stack size backtrace array 10 print out all the frames to stderr fprintf stderr Error signal d n sig backtrace_symbols_fd array.. array 10 print out all the frames to stderr fprintf stderr Error signal d n sig backtrace_symbols_fd array size STDERR_FILENO..
Audio output with video processing with opencv http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8187745/audio-output-with-video-processing-with-opencv img width img height 0 0 if screen fprintf stderr SDL could not set video mode exiting n exit 1 Assuming IplImage.. pFormatCtx filename NULL 0 NULL 0 fprintf stderr FFmpeg failed to open file s n filename exit 1 if av_find_stream_info.. exit 1 if av_find_stream_info pFormatCtx 0 fprintf stderr FFmpeg failed to retrieve stream info n exit 1 Dump information..