c++ Programming Glossary: std_input_handle
Visual Studio 2012 C++ Standard Output http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13840942/visual-studio-2012-c-standard-output _O_TEXT inHandle _open_osfhandle long GetStdHandle STD_INPUT_HANDLE _O_TEXT outFile _fdopen outHandle w errFile _fdopen errHandle..
Read a password from std::cin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1413445/read-a-password-from-stdcin bool enable true #ifdef WIN32 HANDLE hStdin GetStdHandle STD_INPUT_HANDLE DWORD mode GetConsoleMode hStdin mode if enable mode ~ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT..
C++ how do I terminate my programm using ESC button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17174849/c-how-do-i-terminate-my-programm-using-esc-button as intended on windows int value do HANDLE h GetStdHandle STD_INPUT_HANDLE this way we achieve nonblocking read . if WaitForSingleObject.. INPUT_RECORD IR 1 DWORD read static HANDLE h GetStdHandle STD_INPUT_HANDLE while PeekConsoleInputA h IR 1 read if read 0 if IR 0 .EventType..
How can I prevent my program from closing when a console window it opens is closed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20232685/how-can-i-prevent-my-program-from-closing-when-a-console-window-it-opens-is-clos NULL _IONBF 1 stdout hf_out HANDLE handle_in GetStdHandle STD_INPUT_HANDLE hCrt _open_osfhandle long handle_in _O_TEXT FILE hf_in _fdopen..
How can I cin and cout some unicode text? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3207704/how-can-i-cin-and-cout-some-unicode-text void testWindows const HANDLE stdIn GetStdHandle STD_INPUT_HANDLE WCHAR buffer 0x1000 DWORD numRead 0 if ReadConsoleW stdIn buffer..
How to execute child console programs without showing the console window from the Win32 GUI program? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4743559/how-to-execute-child-console-programs-without-showing-the-console-window-from-th STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW si.hStdInput GetStdHandle STD_INPUT_HANDLE si.hStdOutput GetStdHandle STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE si.hStdError GetStdHandle..
Serial Comm using WriteFile/ReadFile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6036716/serial-comm-using-writefile-readfile DWORD read written DCB port HANDLE keyboard GetStdHandle STD_INPUT_HANDLE HANDLE screen GetStdHandle STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE DWORD mode char..
Test if stdin has input for C++ (windows and/or linux) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6839508/test-if-stdin-has-input-for-c-windows-and-or-linux use this bool StdinOpen static HANDLE handle GetStdHandle STD_INPUT_HANDLE DWORD bytes_left PeekNamedPipe handle NULL 0 NULL bytes_left..
Windows C++: How can I redirect stderr for calls to fprintf? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7664/windows-c-how-can-i-redirect-stderr-for-calls-to-fprintf _O_TEXT stdin _file _open_osfhandle long GetStdHandle STD_INPUT_HANDLE _O_TEXT debug stdout _file 1 stdin _file 1 FreeConsole CPU_run..