c++ Programming Glossary: stdafx.h
Why simple console app runs but dialog based does not run in WIN CE 6.0? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10959134/why-simple-console-app-runs-but-dialog-based-does-not-run-in-win-ce-6-0 Pocket PC 2003 with the following simple code #include stdafx.h #include stdio.h int WINAPI WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE..
How do I start a new CUDA project in Visual Studio 2008? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2046228/how-do-i-start-a-new-cuda-project-in-visual-studio-2008 compile that template_gold.cpp complained about not having stdafx.h included so i included that. Now the build fails with this 1..
c++/cli pass (managed) delegate to unmanaged code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2972452/c-cli-pass-managed-delegate-to-unmanaged-code 2 CPP Code MyInterop.ManagedCppLib.cpp #include stdafx.h #include MyInterop.ManagedCppLib.h #pragma unmanaged void UnmanagedMethod.. you can get a function pointer. This worked well #include stdafx.h using namespace System using namespace System Runtime InteropServices..
Purpose of stdafx.h http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2976035/purpose-of-stdafx-h of stdafx.h What is the purpose of the file stdafx.h and what is meant.. of stdafx.h What is the purpose of the file stdafx.h and what is meant by precompiled headers c visual c precompiled.. by precompiled headers c visual c precompiled headers stdafx.h share improve this question stdafx.h is a file generated..
Why/when is __declspec( dllimport ) not needed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4489441/why-when-is-declspec-dllimport-not-needed D _UNICODE D UNICODE D _WINDLL Gm EHsc RTC1 MDd Yu stdafx.h Fp Debug server.pch Fo Debug Fd Debug vc80.pdb W3 nologo c Wp64..
How to get Process Name in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4570174/how-to-get-process-name-in-c full path path to the .exe file of the process. #include stdafx.h #include windows.h #include tchar.h #include stdio.h #include..
OpenCV 2.3 C++ Visual Studio 2010 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7011238/opencv-2-3-c-visual-studio-2010 Studio 2010 Express. My code is from example #include stdafx.h #include highgui.h int _tmain int argc _TCHAR argv int c allocate..
C++, __try and try/catch/finally http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7049502/c-try-and-try-catch-finally with Ctrl F5 to avoid the debugger being helpful #include stdafx.h #include windows.h #include iostream NOTE the value of the C..