c++ Programming Glossary: setfill
Which I/O library do you use in your C++ code? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/119098/which-i-o-library-do-you-use-in-your-c-code std fixed std setprecision 3 stats mean of std setw 4 std setfill ' ' stats sample_count samples n iostream with boost format..
GCC: Use OpenSSL's SHA256 Functions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13784434/gcc-use-openssls-sha256-functions ss for int i 0 i SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH i ss hex setw 2 setfill '0' int hash i return ss.str int main cout sha256 test endl..
Which iomanip manipulators are 'sticky'? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1532640/which-iomanip-manipulators-are-sticky rather than a stream setiosflags resetiosflags setbase setfill setprecision setw This is a common technique to apply an operation.. setiosflags Sticky resetiosflags Sticky setbase Sticky setfill Sticky setprecision Sticky All the other manipulators return..
How can I pad an int with leading zeros when using cout << operator? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1714515/how-can-i-pad-an-int-with-leading-zeros-when-using-cout-operator this Thanks. c cout share improve this question cout setfill '0' setw 5 25 output 00025 setfill is set to space ' ' by default... this question cout setfill '0' setw 5 25 output 00025 setfill is set to space ' ' by default. setw sets the width of the field..
C++ cout printing slowly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1736267/c-cout-printing-slowly f 3123.4578f double g 3.141592654 void Test1 cout a a œ\n a setfill '0' setw 8 a œ\n b b œ\n c c œ\n d d œ\n e e œ\n f setprecision 6..
Can I use a binary literal in C or C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2611764/can-i-use-a-binary-literal-in-c-or-c hex 04x dec u oct 06o bin 16s n b b b itoa b buf 2 cout setfill '0' hex hex setw 4 b dec dec b oct oct setw 6 b bin bitset..
How to print a number with a space as thousand separator? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2648364/how-to-print-a-number-with-a-space-as-thousand-separator n if n 1000 out n else printGrouped out n 1000 out setw 3 setfill '0' n 1000 ostream operator ostream out const Currency c printGrouped..
Equivalent of %02d with std::stringstream? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2839592/equivalent-of-02d-with-stdstringstream way to achieve this than std stringstream stream stream.setfill '0' stream.setw 2 stream value Is it possible to stream some.. neat one that does both fill and width at once stream std setfill '0' std setw 2 value It wouldn't be hard to write your own object..
How do I HTML-/ URL-Encode a std::wstring containing Unicode characters? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3300025/how-do-i-html-url-encode-a-stdwstring-containing-unicode-characters size std stringstream urlEncoded urlEncoded std hex std setfill '0' for std string const_iterator it urlUtf8.begin it urlUtf8.end..
int to hex string in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5100718/int-to-hex-string-in-c exact amount of digits needed to represent it. You may use setfill and setw this to circumvent the problem stream std setfill '0'.. setfill and setw this to circumvent the problem stream std setfill '0' std setw sizeof your_type 2 std hex your_int So finally.. int_to_hex T i std stringstream stream stream 0x std setfill '0' std setw sizeof T 2 std hex i return stream.str share..
Print leading zeros with C++ output operator (printf equivalent)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/530614/print-leading-zeros-with-c-output-operator-printf-equivalent iostream #include iomanip using namespace std cout setw 5 setfill '0' zipCode endl or use this if you don't like 'using namespace.. don't like 'using namespace std ' std cout std setw 5 std setfill '0' zipCode std endl The most common IO manipulators that control.. are std setw width sets the width of the field. std setfill fillchar sets the fill character. std setiosflags align sets..
Convert an ASCII std::string to hex http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5990825/convert-an-ascii-stdstring-to-hex int main std ostringstream result result std setw 2 std setfill '0' std hex std uppercase std copy test.begin test.end std ostream_iterator..
How to convert Byte Array to Hexadecimal String in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9893497/how-to-convert-byte-array-to-hexadecimal-string-in-c 4 std ostringstream ss ss std hex std uppercase std setfill '0' std for_each v.cbegin v.cend int c ss std setw 2 c std string.. 1 2 3 4 std ostringstream ss ss std hex std uppercase std setfill '0' for int c v ss std setw 2 c std string result ss.str std..