c++ Programming Glossary: setattribute
Fullscreen widget http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1246825/fullscreen-widget desktop size this setFocusPolicy Qt StrongFocus this setAttribute Qt WA_QuitOnClose true qApp processEvents show this setFocus..
destructors in Qt4 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1436904/destructors-in-qt4 when it is done being displayed. Des test new Des test setAttribute Qt WA_DeleteOnClose test show I like to use it with the object..
QT4: Transparent Window with rounded corners http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1909092/qt4-transparent-window-with-rounded-corners the opacity of the painted part which I didn't want. this setAttribute Qt WA_TranslucentBackground true changed the opacity of the..
Qt: How to force a hidden widget to calculate its layout? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2427103/qt-how-to-force-a-hidden-widget-to-calculate-its-layout on a widget without showing it on the screen widget setAttribute Qt WA_DontShowOnScreen widget show The show call will force..
The value of ESP was not saved properly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4104774/the-value-of-esp-was-not-saved-properly image you can see that an error occurs when the function setAttribute returns from its call. Does anyone know how to resolve this.. but how do I find out what the calling convention for setAttribute is c calling convention share improve this question This..
Qt place new window correctly on screen, center over mouse, move into screen http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5417201/qt-place-new-window-correctly-on-screen-center-over-mouse-move-into-screen if processEvents is called at least twice. God knows why setAttribute Qt WA_DontShowOnScreen true Prevent screen flicker show QEventLoop.. for int i 0 i 10 i if EventLoop.processEvents break hide setAttribute Qt WA_DontShowOnScreen false int x 99 whatever int y 99 whatever..
How to make a transparent window with Qt Quick? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7613125/how-to-make-a-transparent-window-with-qt-quick parent QDeclarativeView parent transparent background setAttribute Qt WA_TranslucentBackground setStyleSheet background transparent..
Show window in Qt without stealing focus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/966688/show-window-in-qt-without-stealing-focus question It took me a while to find it but I found it setAttribute Qt WA_ShowWithoutActivating This forces the window not to activate...