c++ Programming Glossary: setpixmap
How do I make an image resize to scale in Qt? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14107144/how-do-i-make-an-image-resize-to-scale-in-qt policy QLabel setScaledContents true void ImageLabel setPixmap const QPixmap &pixmap this size pixmap.size QLabel setPixmap.. const QPixmap &pixmap this size pixmap.size QLabel setPixmap pixmap int main int argc char argv QApplication a argc argv.. ImageLabel label new ImageLabel label setSizePolicy label setPixmap map layout addWidget label frame show return a.exec c qt ..
How to output this 24 bit image in Qt http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4730563/how-to-output-this-24-bit-image-in-qt Qt KeepAspectRatio Qt SmoothTransformation ui viewLabel setPixmap p1 ui viewLabel setFixedHeight p1.height ui viewLabel setFixedWidth..