c++ Programming Glossary: programm
Trouble with QxtGlobalShortcut http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1052691/trouble-with-qxtglobalshortcut QxtGlobalShortcut failed to register Ctrl Shift X And my programm doesn't activate after hot key pressing. What should i do c..
(not) using std::string in exceptions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15831029/not-using-stdstring-in-exceptions concept is who tf cares if i have a bad_alloc in my programm because of a memory_leak or something else i'm talking about.. of a memory_leak or something else i'm talking about programms on pc's not microcontrollers i have truly other problems. may..
C++ how do I terminate my programm using ESC button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17174849/c-how-do-i-terminate-my-programm-using-esc-button how do I terminate my programm using ESC button Here is my main function i use visual studio..
OpenAL: How to create simple “Microphone Echo” programm? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4087727/openal-how-to-create-simple-microphone-echo-programm How to create simple &ldquo Microphone Echo&rdquo programm So I wonder what would be shortest in terms of effective lines..
Linux C++ run and communicate with new process http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4127567/linux-c-run-and-communicate-with-new-process I need to make a program that runs a process my another programm and can communicate with this process sending stdin and recieving..
Program crashes when trying to set a character of a char array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5007369/program-crashes-when-trying-to-set-a-character-of-a-char-array character of a char array I got this weird behavior of my programm that i cant figure out. My professor showed me a flaw in my.. i cant figure out. My professor showed me a flaw in my programm where i just copy a char pointer when i construct an object..
problem with g++ and “undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'” [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6045809/problem-with-g-and-undefined-reference-to-gxx-personality-v0 on link I have a problem I have the Following programm fkt.cpp #include fkt.h int add2 int a int b return a b and the..
opencv create mat from camera data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6924790/opencv-create-mat-from-camera-data create mat from camera data in my programm I have function that takes the image from camera and should..
std::string operator+() memory leak? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7284344/stdstring-operator-memory-leak this m_iTokenLocation 1 ' n' return line return line The programm terminates correctly by leaving the main funciton no call to..
Embed Java into a C++ application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7506329/embed-java-into-a-c-application about JNI but there is always the speech from a full programm that uses Java classes. What I'd like to do is to use classes..
OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Proper object detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8593652/opencv-c-obj-c-proper-object-detection back into the first image UPDATE I got it working in my programm and my output looks a bit different p IBAction processImage..
Why is this C code faster than this C++ code ? getting biggest line in file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8852835/why-is-this-c-code-faster-than-this-c-code-getting-biggest-line-in-file more primitive of course than the code I have in C . The C programm takes about 2 seconds to run while the program in C takes 10..