c++ Programming Glossary: producing
Append an int to a std::string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10516196/append-an-int-to-a-stdstring terminated string char . There are several approaches for producing a string containg an int std ostringstream #include sstream..
What's “wrong” with C++ wchar_t and wstrings? What are some alternatives to wide characters? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11107608/whats-wrong-with-c-wchar-t-and-wstrings-what-are-some-alternatives-to-wide string literals so it won't be necessary to trick VC into producing UTF 8 encoded strings although I may continue to do so rather..
Best method for storing this pointer for use in WndProc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/117792/best-method-for-storing-this-pointer-for-use-in-wndproc My questions are What different ways are there of producing this kind of code CWindow WndProc UINT msg WPARAM wParam LPARAM..
Why aren't my include guards preventing recursive inclusion and multiple symbol definitions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14909997/why-arent-my-include-guards-preventing-recursive-inclusion-and-multiple-symbol it into object code. Once the compiler is done with producing the object code for one translation unit it will proceed with..
Why are Cdecl calls often mismatched in the “standard” P/Invoke Convention? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15660722/why-are-cdecl-calls-often-mismatched-in-the-standard-p-invoke-convention is wrong great loss. C compilers use name mangling producing truly bizarre looking names like 2@YAPAXI@Z the exported name..
Why can you return from a non-void function without returning a value without producing a compiler error? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1610030/why-can-you-return-from-a-non-void-function-without-returning-a-value-without-pr from a non void function without returning a value without producing a compiler error Ever since I realized many years ago that..
How to embed WebKit into my C/C++/Win32 application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1924255/how-to-embed-webkit-into-my-c-c-win32-application this question Brent Fulgham has put lots of work into producing a Windows Cairo port of WebKit which doesn't rely on Apple's..
mixing cout and printf for faster output http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1924530/mixing-cout-and-printf-for-faster-output to use cout for simple prints and I plan to use printf for producing huge outputs typically in a loop . I think it's safe to do as..
How can I avoid including class implementation files? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2037880/how-can-i-avoid-including-class-implementation-files discussion are compile each implementation file as a TU producing an object file .o .obj each is compiled independently of the..
Using condition variable in a producer-consumer situation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2379806/using-condition-variable-in-a-producer-consumer-situation the consuming thread when there is some data placed by the producing thread. The problem is there are times or most times that it..
fastest (low latency) method for Inter Process Communication between Java and C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2635272/fastest-low-latency-method-for-inter-process-communication-between-java-and-c incrementing JVMs never yield control to each other thus producing exactly 10 millisecond latency Linux time quantum seems to be..
How to reduce redundant code when adding new c++0x rvalue reference operator overloads http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2696156/how-to-reduce-redundant-code-when-adding-new-c0x-rvalue-reference-operator-ove advantage of c 0x rvalue references and I feel like I'm producing a lot of redundant code. I have a class tree that holds a tree..
STL Rope - when and where to use http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2826431/stl-rope-when-and-where-to-use e.g. in an edit history. It is possible to view a function producing characters as a rope. Thus a piece of a rope may be a 100MByte..
Compiling Quantlib via SWIG for C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3334011/compiling-quantlib-via-swig-for-c-sharp it. Step 1 of this is to evaluate the difficulty in producing a library that can be used 'anywhere' i.e. MS office applications..
Rationale of enforcing some operators to be members http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3938036/rationale-of-enforcing-some-operators-to-be-members again a couple of years ago but ran out of time before producing a complete proposal. Cheers hth. PS The Design and Evolution..
openCV: How to split a video into image sequence? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4350698/opencv-how-to-split-a-video-into-image-sequence much syntax and logic work eg. figuring out when to stop producing the file name of the individual frames and of course declaring..
Is C# really slower than say C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5326269/is-c-sharp-really-slower-than-say-c There's nothing preventing for example a C compiler from producing output intended to run on a virtual machine with or without..
Precompiled headers with GCC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/58841/precompiled-headers-with-gcc I took a look at the compile flags my IDE code blocks was producing and saw something like this g Wall fexceptions g c main.cpp..
How does the compilation, linking process work? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6264249/how-does-the-compilation-linking-process-work C source code now without any preprocessor directives and producing an object file. This object file contains the compiled code..
C++: Pointer to class data member http://stackoverflow.com/questions/670734/c-pointer-to-class-data-member can be used in pluggable architectures but once again producing an example in a small space defeats me. The following is my..