c++ Programming Glossary: produces
C++ convert hex string to signed integer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1070497/c-convert-hex-string-to-signed-integer ss ss std hex fffefffe ss x the following example produces 65538 as its result #include sstream #include iostream int main..
long long in C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1458923/long-long-in-c-c But if the code is compiled as it is and is executed it produces values much larger than 10000000000. Why c types long integer..
Uses of C comma operator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1613230/uses-of-c-comma-operator Needless to say in practice statement programming usually produces much more readable C C code so we normally use expression programming..
Is there a simple script to convert C++ enum to string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/201593/is-there-a-simple-script-to-convert-c-enum-to-string to check out GCCXML . Running GCCXML on your sample code produces GCC_XML Namespace id _1 name members _3 mangled _Z2 Namespace..
Boost random number generator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2254909/boost-random-number-generator a random six sided dice throw. As it stands this code produces the same sequence of dice throws each time. You can randomise..
Generate random numbers following a normal distribution in C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2325472/generate-random-numbers-following-a-normal-distribution-in-c-c Muller transform is what is commonly used. This correctly produces values with a normal distribution. http en.wikipedia.org wiki..
Can I use a binary literal in C or C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2611764/can-i-use-a-binary-literal-in-c-or-c dec dec b oct oct setw 6 b bin bitset 16 b endl return 0 produces hex 0012 dec 18 oct 000022 bin 10010 hex 0012 dec 18 oct 000022..
C++ template typedef http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2795023/c-template-typedef 1. Something like that typedef Matrix N 1 Vector N Which produces compile error. The following creates something similar but not..
Undefined Behavior and Sequence Points http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4176328/undefined-behavior-and-sequence-points effects What are side effects Evaluation of an expression produces something and if in addition there is a change in the state..
C++ performance challenge: integer to std::string conversion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4351371/c-performance-challenge-integer-to-stdstring-conversion 50 and more. The winner of the challenge is user434507 who produces code that runs 350 of the speed of my own on gcc. Further entries..
Why do multiple-inherited functions with same name but different signatures not get treated as overloaded functions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5368862/why-do-multiple-inherited-functions-with-same-name-but-different-signatures-not get treated as overloaded functions The following snippet produces an ambigious call to foo error during compilation and I'd like..
Polymorphism in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5854581/polymorphism-in-c and double s using the same notation x 2 and the compiler produces type specific CPU instructions a result of the same type. Overloading..
How does the compilation, linking process work? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6264249/how-does-the-compilation-linking-process-work the compiler takes the pre processor's output and produces an object file from it. Linking the linker takes the object.. linker takes the object files produced by the compiler and produces either a library or an executable file. Preprocessing The preprocessor.. to merge two tokens when it make sense . After all this it produces a single output that is a stream of tokens resulting from the..
how to achieve 4 FLOPs per cycle http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8389648/how-to-achieve-4-flops-per-cycle Compiled with g O2 march native addmul.cpp . a.out 1000 produces the following output on an Intel Core i5 750 2.66 GHz addmul..
Why vector<bool>::reference doesn't return reference to bool? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8399417/why-vectorboolreference-doesnt-return-reference-to-bool callIfToggled f v 2 a The compilation of the example above produces next error dk2.cpp In function 'int main ' dk2.cpp 29 28 error..
Address of array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8412694/address-of-array expression an array to pointer conversion takes place this produces a pointer to the first element of the array. When t is used..
Why is one loop so much slower than two loops? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8547778/why-is-one-loop-so-much-slower-than-two-loops mmword ptr eax 38h Each loop of the double loop example produces this code the following block is repeated about three times.. with one loop and 2.116 seconds with two loops. This reproduces the OP's results exactly. In the first two tests the arrays..
C# generics compared to C++ templates [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1208153/c-sharp-generics-compared-to-c-templates in C using boost lambda . Thus an expression like _1 _2 _3 Produces an object with a seriously scary type which has an operator..
updating a string table with UpdateResource http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14088057/updating-a-string-table-with-updateresource i .length 1 delete temp EndUpdateResource hRes FALSE Produces Which is wrong as it seems to only have added the last string..
Representing big numbers in source code for readability? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14220217/representing-big-numbers-in-source-code-for-readability
Why doesn't (int)0.9999999999999999999728949456878623891498136799780L == 0 (possible GCC bug)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16831464/why-doesnt-int0-9999999999999999999728949456878623891498136799780l-0-poss return 0 Produces the following output int 1.000000 1 int 1.000000 0 Ideone also..
Where to delete QTcpSocket in thread to avoid valgrind errors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19280903/where-to-delete-qtcpsocket-in-thread-to-avoid-valgrind-errors the thread. This precondition is asserted. ServerFactory Produces a new server instance when its newConnection slot is invoked...
Beyond Stack Sampling: C++ Profilers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4394606/beyond-stack-sampling-c-profilers in other departments swear by it. VS2008 Profiler Produces output in the 100 gigs range in function trace mode at the required..
SQLite escape string c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4820374/sqlite-escape-string-c ' q' bar sqlite3_exec db zSQL 0 0 0 sqlite3_free zSQL Produces a exception error The problem is that the quotes are not getting..
Error subtracting floating point numbers when passing through 0.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5742032/error-subtracting-floating-point-numbers-when-passing-through-0-0 val 0.2 printf g s n val val 0.0 zero non zero return 0 Produces this output 0.8 non zero 0.6 non zero 0.4 non zero 0.2 non zero..