c++ Programming Glossary: orange
Algorithm improvement for Coca-Cola can shape recognition http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10168686/algorithm-improvement-for-coca-cola-can-shape-recognition on red hue saturation above a certain threshold to avoid orange like colors and filtering of low value to avoid dark tones...
how to detect region of large # of white pixels using opencv? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10262600/how-to-detect-region-of-large-of-white-pixels-using-opencv is why some artifacts are there. If you don't want that orange also it can be more accurate. Just find the bounding rectangle..
Better algorithm for edge filter in video programming http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12971093/better-algorithm-for-edge-filter-in-video-programming First the good one my black wallet Second the failure an orange box And last another failure a white box P.S. Some notes The..
How to properly rotate a quaternion along all axis? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16384571/how-to-properly-rotate-a-quaternion-along-all-axis how the camera is rotate when moving the mouse up in orange and down in blue . As you can see as long as the yaw is zero..
C++ Looking for the Element with the highest occurence in an array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16412296/c-looking-for-the-element-with-the-highest-occurence-in-an-array mode in a C ptr array. For example in pear apple orange apple the apple element is the most frequent one. My previous..
C++ Templates polymorphism http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2203388/c-templates-polymorphism an Orange fruit_vec.push_back Orange Oh no I just added an orange in my apple basket Consequently you should consider T A and..
list or container O(1)-ish insertion/deletion performance, with array semantics http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3071497/list-or-container-o1-ish-insertion-deletion-performance-with-array-semantics Say I have a list with the following items apple orange carrot pear then my container array would container 0 apple.. 1 orangle container 2 carrot Then say I delete the orange element container 0 apple container 1 carrot I want to collapse..
How to nicely output a list of separated strings? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3804183/how-to-nicely-output-a-list-of-separated-strings mylist Lets consider it has 3 elements apple banana and orange. for vector string iterator item mylist.begin item mylist.end.. cout item else cout item Which outputs apple banana orange I recently discovered std ostream_iterator which if found really.. ostream_iterator string cout If get apple banana orange Almost perfect except for the extra . Is there an elegant way..
Deprecated conversion from string literal to 'char*' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9650058/deprecated-conversion-from-string-literal-to-char declares an array of strings like this char colors 4 red orange yellow blue But I get the above error message. It compiles but.. a run time error can be avoided. const char colors 4 red orange yellow blue If you ever feel like editing these values at runtime..