c++ Programming Glossary: opportunity
Combing an External Event Loop with Qt's http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1051333/combing-an-external-event-loop-with-qts main loop through QApplication exec Edit I have used the opportunity of a slow Sunday morning to test drive learn something about..
What is the Fastest Method for High Performance Sequential File I/O in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1201261/what-is-the-fastest-method-for-high-performance-sequential-file-i-o-in-c to files. This isn't always faster but it allows the opportunity to optimize the I O in an operating system specific but relatively..
Difference: std::runtime_error vs std::exception() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1569726/difference-stdruntime-error-vs-stdexception . The point of having this hierarchy is to give user the opportunity to use the full power of C exception handling mechanism. Since..
Constants and compiler optimization in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/212237/constants-and-compiler-optimization-in-c and look only at const objects the compiler has much more opportunity for optimization here. If an object is declared const then ISO..
using catch(…) (ellipsis) for post-mortem analysis http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2183113/using-catch-ellipsis-for-post-mortem-analysis throw Re throw the exception so OS gives you a debug opportunity. will it play nice with threads that sprout later It should..
Why isnt int pow(int base, int exponent) in the standard C++ libraries? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2398442/why-isnt-int-powint-base-int-exponent-in-the-standard-c-libraries time providing more useful stuff see below comments on opportunity cost . That's also relevant for the original C . Since the original.. the standards setting bodies realise that there is an opportunity cost an economic term meaning what you have to forego for a.. decision made to every decision they make. For example the opportunity cost of buying that 10 000 uber gaming machine is cordial relations..
What is a simple example of floating point/rounding error? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/249467/what-is-a-simple-example-of-floating-point-rounding-error 1 p double 8 pow p double 2 double choose 8 2 Is this an opportunity for floating point error c floating accuracy share improve..
Singleton pattern in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2496918/singleton-pattern-in-c instances of the class share a common state. I'll take the opportunity to expose the not Phoenix implementation class Monoid public..
What is the copy-and-swap idiom? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3279543/what-is-the-copy-and-swap-idiom this temp return this We lose an important optimization opportunity . Not only that but this choice is critical in C 11 which is..
Modules in C++11 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3596147/modules-in-c11 will be delivered by a technical report at the earliest opportunity. The modules proposal just wasn't ready and waiting for it would..
What can I use to profile C++ code in Linux? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/375913/what-can-i-use-to-profile-c-code-in-linux that that is the cause of performance problems and the opportunity to get speedup . Added It might not be obvious but the stack..
Convert Lat/Longs to X/Y Co-ordinates http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4953150/convert-lat-longs-to-x-y-co-ordinates number is 915 not 916. EDIT One thing I'd like to take the opportunity to point out is that this is an approximation. In reality there..
Why was std::pow(double, int) removed from C++11? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5627030/why-was-stdpowdouble-int-removed-from-c11 else Obviously the pow double int version provides a nice opportunity for optimization so it seems odd that they would be removed...
Does std::vector *have* to move objects when growing capacity? Or, can allocators “reallocate”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8003233/does-stdvector-have-to-move-objects-when-growing-capacity-or-can-allocator bitwise copy. Just not in general. It seems like a missed opportunity. Worst case you could always implement reallocate size_t n as..
Cross-platform way to get line number of an INI file where given option was found http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8358975/cross-platform-way-to-get-line-number-of-an-ini-file-where-given-option-was-foun ini share improve this question Once again took the opportunity to play with Boost Spirit. This time I got to play with line_pos_iterator..
std::lower_bound slower for std::vector than std::map::find http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8784732/stdlower-bound-slower-for-stdvector-than-stdmapfind boost. To implement a comparator class which has not opportunity to fail matching the arguments exactly I'm using a simple helper..
Why is splitting a string slower in C++ than Python? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9378500/why-is-splitting-a-string-slower-in-c-than-python is a mutable value type and is copied at the smallest opportunity. If the goal is fast splitting then one would use constant time..