c++ Programming Glossary: origin
true isometric projection with opengl http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1059200/true-isometric-projection-with-opengl use this length so that camera is 1 unit away from origin double dist sqrt 1 3.0 gluLookAt dist dist dist position of..
Glew problems, unresolved externals http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11059971/glew-problems-unresolved-externals xPos yPos zPos look from camera XYZ 0 yPos 0 look at the origin 0 1 0 positive Y up vector glRotatef orbitDegrees 0.f 1.0f.. camera 1 camera 2 look from camera XYZ 0 0 0 look at the origin 0 1 0 positive Y up vector try loadModel Goku habit dechiré.obj..
why does pthread_exit throw something caught by ellipsis? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11452546/why-does-pthread-exit-throw-something-caught-by-ellipsis time and place making it impossible to identify the real origin of the problem. The only reasonable thing to do in such a catch..
base64 decode snippet in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/180947/base64-decode-snippet-in-c it freely subject to the following restrictions 1. The origin of this source code must not be misrepresented you must not.. be misrepresented you must not claim that you wrote the original source code. If you use this source code in a product an acknowledgment.. marked as such and must not be misrepresented as being the original source code. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered..
Rotating a point about another point (2D) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2259476/rotating-a-point-about-another-point-2d s sin angle float c cos angle translate point back to origin p.x cx p.y cy rotate point float xnew p.x c p.y s float ynew..
pinpointing “conditional jump or move depends on uninitialized value(s)” valgrind message http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2612447/pinpointing-conditional-jump-or-move-depends-on-uninitialized-values-valgrin and it's been quite the mystery as of where the bad value originated from. Seems that valgrind shows the place where the unitialised.. where the unitialised value ends up being used but not the origin of the uninitialised value. 11366 Conditional jump or move depends.. improve this question Use the valgrind option track origins yes to have it track the origin of uninitialized values. This..
Near and Far pointers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3869830/near-and-far-pointers improve this question The near and far keywords have its origin in the segmented memory model that Intel had before. The near.. The near pointers could only access a block of memory originally around 64Kb in size called a segment whereas the far pointers..
Why does Process.waitFor() never return? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3967932/why-does-process-waitfor-never-return such an issue exist what C programming error can be at the origin of the issue java c process share improve this question ..
int vs const int& http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4705593/int-vs-const-int If however to translate the rectangle back in the origin you write myrect myrect.tl the code will not work because the..
xutility file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4707310/xutility-file frame height IPL_DEPTH_8U frame nChannels if frame origin IPL_ORIGIN_TL cvCopy frame frame_copy 0 else cvFlip frame..
how to traverse a boost::multi_array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5572464/how-to-traverse-a-boostmulti-array in the Boost documentation Alternatively you can use array origin and array num_elements as follows boost multi_array double 3.. multi_array double 3 ma boost extents 3 4 2 for auto i ma.origin i ma.origin ma.num_elements i do something with i share improve.. double 3 ma boost extents 3 4 2 for auto i ma.origin i ma.origin ma.num_elements i do something with i share improve this..
Use CString in console app when using VS Express http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5760186/use-cstring-in-console-app-when-using-vs-express right 2 Can I avoid this problem somehow Below is the code origin http www.cprogramming.com tutorial ado_c _wrapper_classes.html..
Why can't we pass arrays to function by value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7454990/why-cant-we-pass-arrays-to-function-by-value function arguments share improve this question The origin is historical. The problem is that the rule arrays decay into..
How to display OpenCV Mat on MFC View http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8501753/how-to-display-opencv-mat-on-mfc-view int Bpp cv Mat img return 8 img.channels Mat does not have origin member. But simply putting 0 is fine for origin argument of.. not have origin member. But simply putting 0 is fine for origin argument of FillBitmapInfo method. Other than that following.. BITMAPINFO bmi int width int height int bpp int origin assert bmi width 0 height 0 bpp 8 bpp 24 bpp 32 BITMAPINFOHEADER..