c++ Programming Glossary: or_
How can I check if a type is an instantiation of a given class template? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11251376/how-can-i-check-if-a-type-is-an-instantiation-of-a-given-class-template Head typename Tail struct typelist static_assert boost mpl or_ is_instantiation_of typelist Tail std is_same Tail null_type..
How to calculate boolean expression in Spirit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12598029/how-to-calculate-boolean-expression-in-spirit calc_ calc using namespace qi using boost iterator_range #define LAZY_FUN0 f phoenix bind calculator f calc_ #define.. f phoenix bind calculator f calc_ phoenix bind iterator_range Iterator begin qi _1 phoenix bind iterator_range Iterator.. iterator_range Iterator begin qi _1 phoenix bind iterator_range Iterator end qi _1 add_sub_expr lit ' ' mul_div_expr..
Boolean expression (grammar) parser in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8706356/boolean-expression-grammar-parser-in-c parser parser base_type expr_ using namespace qi expr_ or_.alias or_ xor_ or xor_ _val phx construct binop op_or _1 _2.. parser base_type expr_ using namespace qi expr_ or_.alias or_ xor_ or xor_ _val phx construct binop op_or _1 _2 xor_ _val.. base_type expr_ using namespace qi expr_ or_.alias or_ xor_ or xor_ _val phx construct binop op_or _1 _2 xor_ _val _1 xor_..