c++ Programming Glossary: opt
Use of 'const' for function parameters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/117293/use-of-const-for-function-parameters b my_val_ b Is that const actually useful Personally I opt to use it extensively including parameters but in this case..
What does this C++ code mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1604968/what-does-this-c-code-mean class.bit A member declarator of the form identifier opt attribute specifier opt constant expression specifies a bit.. declarator of the form identifier opt attribute specifier opt constant expression specifies a bit field its length is set.. length is set off from the bit field name by a colon. The optional attribute specifier appertains to the entity being declared...
generate sha256 with openssl and C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2262386/generate-sha256-with-openssl-and-c openssl sha.h and I included the paths in my build I opt ssl include L opt ssl lib lcrypto c unix openssl sha256 share.. and I included the paths in my build I opt ssl include L opt ssl lib lcrypto c unix openssl sha256 share improve this..
What are some of the “best” cross-platform C++ UI toolkits today? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/366043/what-are-some-of-the-best-cross-platform-c-ui-toolkits-today some front ends to this system. Ordinarily I would opt to use a non c solution to a UI however this is meant to be.. as Mono and have it just work. What are some of the best options to achieve this EDIT Let me throw in another one that I..
How to compile dynamic library for a JNI application on linux? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3950635/how-to-compile-dynamic-library-for-a-jni-application-on-linux what it is. The dynamic lib is generated with the shared option isn't it Update #1 I tried static System.load home dierre.. them in some steps compile obj generate HelloImpl.o g c I opt java include I opt java include linux HelloImpl.cpp compile.. compile obj generate HelloImpl.o g c I opt java include I opt java include linux HelloImpl.cpp compile jni with .o g I opt..
Generate calling graph for C++ code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5373714/generate-calling-graph-for-c-code void A B G int main A Then clang S emit llvm main1.cpp o opt analyze dot callgraph dot Tpng ocallgraph.png callgraph.dot.. A v v.push_back 42 v 0 .f clang S emit llvm main1.cpp o opt analyze std link opts dot callgraph cat callgraph.dot c filt.. v 0 .f clang S emit llvm main1.cpp o opt analyze std link opts dot callgraph cat callgraph.dot c filt sed 's g s g s g' gawk..
What is the meaning of “… …” token? i.e. double ellipsis operator on parameter pack http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5625600/what-is-the-meaning-of-token-i-e-double-ellipsis-operator-on-paramet to form the parameter list as parameter declaration list opt ... opt So the double ellipsis is formed by a parameter declaration.. the parameter list as parameter declaration list opt ... opt So the double ellipsis is formed by a parameter declaration.. pack followed by another ellipsis. The comma is purely optional §8.3.5 4 does say Where syntactically correct and where..
Why can't clang with libc++ in c++0x mode link this boost::program_options example? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8454329/why-cant-clang-with-libc-in-c0x-mode-link-this-boostprogram-options-examp can't clang with libc in c 0x mode link this boost program_options example Compiling this example code for boost program_options.. example Compiling this example code for boost program_options http svn.boost.org svn boost trunk libs program_options.. http svn.boost.org svn boost trunk libs program_options example first.cpp ...on MacOS Lion 10.7.2 using boost 1.48.0..
The procedure entry point could not be located in the dynamic link library - looking in wrong DLL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16867607/the-procedure-entry-point-could-not-be-located-in-the-dynamic-link-library-loo This turned out to be caused by vlc being built with OPT NOREF while my project was using OPT REF https forum.videolan.org.. vlc being built with OPT NOREF while my project was using OPT REF https forum.videolan.org viewtopic.php f 32 t 98097 share..
Boost.Thread throws bad_alloc exception in VS2010 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2914666/boost-thread-throws-bad-alloc-exception-in-vs2010 2010 Projects CSF Release Client.pdb SUBSYSTEM CONSOLE OPT REF OPT ICF PGD C Documents and Settings user my documents visual.. Projects CSF Release Client.pdb SUBSYSTEM CONSOLE OPT REF OPT ICF PGD C Documents and Settings user my documents visual studio..
Dead code identification (C++) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/321241/dead-code-identification-c similar for Visual Studio. We already use the linker's OPT REF option to remove redundant code but this doesn't report..
Reduce windows executable size http://stackoverflow.com/questions/437685/reduce-windows-executable-size with GL Os GF Gy GA. In the linker you more or less want OPT REF and OPT ICF and LTCG. I have to say a release build from.. GF Gy GA. In the linker you more or less want OPT REF and OPT ICF and LTCG. I have to say a release build from 30k to megabytes..
How to force inclusion of “unused” object definitions in a library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4383602/how-to-force-inclusion-of-unused-object-definitions-in-a-library FeedbackID 244410 wa wsignin1.0 siteid 210 The OPT NOREF option is designed to not do anything in this case apparently...
Forcing symbol export with MSVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/444356/forcing-symbol-export-with-msvc force the MSVC linker to include a symbol. Alternatively OPT NOREF can be used to disable removal of unused symbols in general...