c++ Programming Glossary: natural
How do you make a HTTP request with C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1011339/how-do-you-make-a-http-request-with-c C library that also support webdav. curlpp seems natural if you use C . There are many examples provided. To get the..
Why does C++ not let baseclasses implement a derived class' inherited interface? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10464308/why-does-c-not-let-baseclasses-implement-a-derived-class-inherited-interface the derived class. Why doesn't C do that It seems like a natural thing to have. c class inheritance interface share improve..
Why do people say there is modulo bias when using a random number generator? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10984974/why-do-people-say-there-is-modulo-bias-when-using-a-random-number-generator rand is a pseudo random number generator which chooses a natural number between 0 and RAND_MAX which is a constant defined in..
std::function vs template http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14677997/stdfunction-vs-template certain arguments. std function and std bind also offer a natural idiom for enabling functional programming in C where functions.. in C where functions are treated as objects and get naturally curried and combined to generate other functions. Although..
How to check for equals? (0 == i) or (i == 0) [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/148298/how-to-check-for-equals-0-i-or-i-0 I prefer the second one i 0 because it feel much more natural when reading it. You ask people Are you 21 or older not Is 21..
When to use std::size_t? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1951519/when-to-use-stdsize-t to compare in the loop condition against something that is naturally a std size_t itself. std size_t is the type of any sizeof.. guaranteed to be big enough for any array index so it is a natural type for a loop by index over an array. If you are just counting.. you are just counting up to a number then it may be more natural to use either the type of the variable that holds that number..
What could C/C++ “lose” if they defined a standard ABI? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2083060/what-could-c-c-lose-if-they-defined-a-standard-abi question The freedom to implement things in the most natural way on each processor. I imagine that c in particular has conforming.. common high end general purpose CPUs would require unnatural contortions on some the odder machines out there. share improve..
Uses of a C++ Arithmetic Promotion Header http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2426330/uses-of-a-c-arithmetic-promotion-header them and it doesn't from our usage look like there are any natural ones that we'd use. FWIW if you don't want to write this yourself..
Public Data members vs Getters, Setters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2977007/public-data-members-vs-getters-setters to be that object. Then create methods that provide a natural interface into that object. It that natural interface involves.. that provide a natural interface into that object. It that natural interface involves exposing some internal properties using getters..
In STL maps, is it better to use map::insert than []? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/326062/in-stl-maps-is-it-better-to-use-mapinsert-than in STL maps . I preferred map key value because it feels natural and is clear to read whereas he preferred map.insert std make_pair..
What can I use to profile C++ code in Linux? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/375913/what-can-i-use-to-profile-c-code-in-linux is a problem and your first reaction is disbelief. That is natural but you can be sure if it finds a problem it is real and vice..
How is reference implemented internally? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3954764/how-is-reference-implemented-internally is just a pointer c share improve this question The natural implementation of a reference is indeed a pointer. However do..
Is `long` guaranteed to be at least 32 bits? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4329777/is-long-guaranteed-to-be-at-least-32-bits as those preceding it in the list. Plain ints have the natural size suggested by the architecture of the execution environment..
How to implement the factory pattern in C++ correctly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5120768/how-to-implement-the-factory-pattern-in-c-correctly float angle float magnitude not a valid overload ... My natural way of thinking is then struct Vec2 static Vec2 fromLinear float..
What issues can I expect compiling C code with a C++ compiler? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/861517/what-issues-can-i-expect-compiling-c-code-with-a-c-compiler been jumping through hoops to do things that would come naturally via C homebrewed inheritance for example . We'd like to start.. modules as we go along to take advantage of the more natural approach C would provide. c c compiler programming languages..
Why are standard iterator ranges [begin, end) instead of [begin, end]? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9963401/why-are-standard-iterator-ranges-begin-end-instead-of-begin-end end &minus begin including the lower bound is more natural when sequences degenerate to empty ones and also because the.. iterated calles to range based constructions which chain naturally. By contrast using a doubly closed range would incur off by.. say to enumerate the members of an array then 0 is the natural beginning so that you can write the range as 0 N without any..