c++ Programming Glossary: n3290
Is there a reason on not allowing lambdas to deduce the return type if it contains more than one statement? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6240894/is-there-a-reason-on-not-allowing-lambdas-to-deduce-the-return-type-if-it-contai contains more than one statement Taken from the C 0x FDIS n3290 If a lambda expression does not include a lambda declarator..
namelookup with Unqualified name : C++0x draft n3290 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6356994/namelookup-with-unqualified-name-c0x-draft-n3290 with Unqualified name C 0x draft n3290 A point from the ISO C Draft n3290 3.4.0 2nd point A name œlooked.. name C 0x draft n3290 A point from the ISO C Draft n3290 3.4.0 2nd point A name œlooked up in the context of an expression..
ISO C++ standard draft http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7238958/iso-c-standard-draft working draft is n3291 it is not publicly available. But n3290 is Available. up to February the draft is n3242 . May i know.. Because there are many differences in n3242 compared with n3290 in this link also they gave .. current working draft as n3242.. also they gave .. current working draft as n3242 why not n3290 http www.open std.org jtc1 sc22 wg21 http en.wikipedia.org wiki..
Will using `goto` leak variables? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7334952/will-using-goto-leak-variables main f lol return 0 error label 'lol' used but not defined n3290 6.1 1 .. The scope of a label is the function in which it appears... x 0 lol T t if x 5 goto lol Output T~T T~T T~T T~T T~T T~T n3290 6.6 2 .. Transfer out of a loop out of a block or back past.. complex construction int main goto lol int x lol x 0 OK n3290 6.7 3 It is possible to transfer into a block but not in a way..
stdio.h not standard in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7596406/stdio-h-not-standard-in-c is standard but deprecated. Always prefer cstdio in C . n3290 C.3.1 1 For compatibility with the Standard C library the C.. the 18 C headers D.5 but their use is deprecated in C . n3290 D.5 3 Example The header cstdlib assuredly provides its declarations..
std::lexical_cast - is there such a thing? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8065413/stdlexical-cast-is-there-such-a-thing C 11 string has std to_string for the built in types n3290 21.5 7 string to_string int val string to_string unsigned val.. There are also the following that go the other way around n3290 21.5 1 21.5 4 int stoi const string str size_t idx 0 int base..
Type of array index in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8111357/type-of-array-index-in-c literal so it's just a plain int here. §8.3.4 Arrays in n3290 ~ C 11 specifies array declarators In a declaration T D where..
Are int8_t and uint8_t intended to behave like a character? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15911714/are-int8-t-and-uint8-t-intended-to-behave-like-a-character this question From § 18.4.1 cstdint.syn of the C 0x FDIS N3290 int8_t is an optional typedef that is specified as follows namespace..
When S is a trivial subclass of T, is it safe to use an array of S where an array of T is expected? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19843816/when-s-is-a-trivial-subclass-of-t-is-it-safe-to-use-an-array-of-s-where-an-arra and welcome additions corrections. I'm actually looking at N3290 here but the actual standard should be close enough. share..
Do rvalue references to const have any use? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4938875/do-rvalue-references-to-const-have-any-use possible . Update I've just checked the official standard N3290 which unfortunately isn't publicly available and it has in 20.8..
How to allow copy elision construction for C++ classes (not just POD C structs) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5877726/how-to-allow-copy-elision-construction-for-c-classes-not-just-pod-c-structs make_b A . Is such a function possible Further thoughts N3290 Final C 0x draft page 284 This elision of copy move operations..
What is decltype(0 + 0)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5924870/what-is-decltype0-0 is decltype 0 0 Prompted by an answer . Given N3290 § where the list items are unnumbered but numbered..
Has “In class member initialization” feature made into C++11? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6482566/has-in-class-member-initialization-feature-made-into-c11 Yes that is legal in C 0x. There is an example of this at N3290 §12.6.2 8 struct C ... int j 5 OK j has the value 5 share..
trivial vs. standard layout vs. POD http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6496545/trivial-vs-standard-layout-vs-pod examples perhaps it's best to just quote the examples from N3290 struct N neither trivial nor standard layout int i int j virtual..
What should happen to template class static member variables with definition in the .h file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7108914/what-should-happen-to-template-class-static-member-variables-with-definition-in member standards share improve this question From N3290 14.6 A ... static data member of a class template shall be defined..
May STL iterator methods throw an exception http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7902452/may-stl-iterator-methods-throw-an-exception operator for a valid iterator The C standard I refer to N3290 draft does not give nothrow guarantee for increment operator..
Well, how does the custom deleter of std::unique_ptr work? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8274451/well-how-does-the-custom-deleter-of-stdunique-ptr-work the custom deleter of std unique_ptr work According to N3290 std unique_ptr accepts a deleter argument in its constructor...