

c++ Programming Glossary: nc

Fast bignum square computation


of equations otherwise it would be an index mess current functional fsqr implementation void arbnum sqr const arbnum x O.. sqr const arbnum x O N 1 N 2 arbnum c DWORD h l int N nx nc i i0 i1 k c._alloc x.siz x.siz 1 nx x.siz 1 nc c.siz 1 N nx.. l int N nx nc i i0 i1 k c._alloc x.siz x.siz 1 nx x.siz 1 nc c.siz 1 N nx nx for i 0 i nc i c.dat i 0 for i 1 i N i for i0..

c++ reading in text file into vector<vector> then writing to vector or array depending on first word in internal vector


getting views. My code so far is Read in CSV Alex Byasse #include algorithm #include fstream #include iostream #include iterator.. so far is Read in CSV Alex Byasse #include algorithm #include fstream #include iostream #include iterator #include sstream.. in CSV Alex Byasse #include algorithm #include fstream #include iostream #include iterator #include sstream #include string..

Edges on polygon outlines not always correct


4 std vector POINTFLOAT round 1 num_pts 1 POINTFLOAT nc nc.x cur.x a_perp.x w nc.y cur.y a_perp.y w round.front nc nc.x.. 4 std vector POINTFLOAT round 1 num_pts 1 POINTFLOAT nc nc.x cur.x a_perp.x w nc.y cur.y a_perp.y w round.front nc nc.x.. round 1 num_pts 1 POINTFLOAT nc nc.x cur.x a_perp.x w nc.y cur.y a_perp.y w round.front nc nc.x cur.x b_perp.x w nc.y..