c++ Programming Glossary: nanosecond
Windows C++ nanosecond timing? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10019824/windows-c-nanosecond-timing C nanosecond timing Is there a way in C on windows to measure time in nanoseconds.. timing Is there a way in C on windows to measure time in nanoseconds All i can find are linux solutions. c windows performance..
C++ timing, milliseconds since last whole second http://stackoverflow.com/questions/117346/c-timing-milliseconds-since-last-whole-second improve this question Boost.DateTime has millisecond and nanosecond representations IF the underlying platform supports them. While..
HPET's frequency vs CPU frequency for measuring time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12971110/hpets-frequency-vs-cpu-frequency-for-measuring-time time I need to measure function execution time in nanoseconds. Now I want to understand if my computer can do that and what.. is 3.33 GH even 1GHz that one clock duration is one nanoseconds. Doesn't it mean that I can measure by nanoseconds For measuring.. is one nanoseconds. Doesn't it mean that I can measure by nanoseconds For measuring time CPU or HPET's frequency is essential and..
A way to turn boost::posix_time::ptime into an __int64 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1574647/a-way-to-turn-boostposix-timeptime-into-an-int64 value. I have compiled the microsecond version not the nanosecond version . I need to do this somehow as I am looking to store..
C++ high precision time measurement in Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1825720/c-high-precision-time-measurement-in-windows in measuring a specific point in time down to the nanosecond using C in Windows. Is this possible If it isn't is it possible..
Implementation of a “hits in last [second/minute/hour]” data structure http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18364490/implementation-of-a-hits-in-last-second-minute-hour-data-structure Minute Hour methods. You have a timer with say nanosecond accuracy. How do you implement this efficiently My thought was.. is called a histogram. Using a hash if you intend nanosecond accuracy will eat up much of your cpu. You probably want a ring..
C++ performance of accessing member variables versus local variables http://stackoverflow.com/questions/238535/c-performance-of-accessing-member-variables-versus-local-variables hours trying to understand code that is supposed to win a nanosecond. Warning In your scenario performance shouldn't be the question..
Time difference in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/307596/time-difference-in-c either timeval microsecond resolution or timespec nanosecond resolution but you can do it manually fairly easily #include..
Calculate total CPU usage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/448811/calculate-total-cpu-usage share improve this question GetProcessTimes for 100 nanosecond resolution. If you want cycle times use QueryProcessCycleTime..