c++ Programming Glossary: nasty
Best bignum library to solve Project Euler problems in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1047203/best-bignum-library-to-solve-project-euler-problems-in-c check if it is an integer. very good to accept input but nasty to provide output and compiles like magic with Visual C 2008..
OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Advanced square detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10533233/opencv-c-obj-c-advanced-square-detection ambiguities... return abs theta1 theta2 minTheta the long nasty wikipedia line intersection equation...bleh... Point2f computeIntersect..
Storing C++ template function definitions in a .CPP file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/115703/storing-c-template-function-definitions-in-a-cpp-file mean the app will link. My question is is this a nasty hack or will this work with other compilers linkers I am only..
Inferring the call signature of a lambda or arbitrary callable for “make_function” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11893141/inferring-the-call-signature-of-a-lambda-or-arbitrary-callable-for-make-functio share improve this question I've come up with a fairly nasty non library solution using the fact that lambdas have operator..
What exactly is nullptr? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1282295/what-exactly-is-nullptr for me is the new nullptr . Well no need anymore for the nasty macro NULL . int x nullptr myclass obj nullptr Still I am not..
Weird MSC 8.0 error: “The value of ESP was not properly saved across a function call…” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/142644/weird-msc-8-0-error-the-value-of-esp-was-not-properly-saved-across-a-function attempting to run the application gave us the following nasty run time error message Run Time Check Failure #0 The value of..
Is delete[] equal to delete? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1553382/is-delete-equal-to-delete a memory leak wipes your hard disk gets you pregnant makes nasty Nasal Demons chasing you around your apartment or lets everything..
Why are Cdecl calls often mismatched in the “standard” P/Invoke Convention? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15660722/why-are-cdecl-calls-often-mismatched-in-the-standard-p-invoke-convention the arguments. This postfix was designed to help solve the nasty stack imbalance problem if the caller and callee don't agree..
Is there a standard date/time class in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1650715/is-there-a-standard-date-time-class-in-c yet I encourage you to do so as it saves you from a lot of nasty issues as it masks most OS dependent things like threading for..
Program only crashes as release build — how to debug? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/186237/program-only-crashes-as-release-build-how-to-debug from the command line. Through caveman debugging ie nasty printf messages all over the place I have determined the test..
Is .NET “all COM underneath”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2280639/is-net-all-com-underneath a lot of what COM is supposed to do and more without COM's nasty annoyances. I don't think the statement it's all COM underneath..
When should static_cast, dynamic_cast and reinterpret_cast be used? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/332030/when-should-static-cast-dynamic-cast-and-reinterpret-cast-be-used or storing a pointer in an int or all sorts of other nasty things. Largely the only guarantee you get with reinterpret_cast..
How do I make a fully statically linked .exe with Visual Studio Express 2005? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37398/how-do-i-make-a-fully-statically-linked-exe-with-visual-studio-express-2005 not scrupulously updated XP box gave me nothing but a nasty System cannot run x.exe or similar message. Some googling revealed..
C/C++: switch for non-integers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4165131/c-c-switch-for-non-integers switch share improve this question Using some nasty macro and template magic it's possible to get an unrolled binary..
How does Excel successfully Rounds Floating numbers even though they are imprecise? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6930786/how-does-excel-successfully-rounds-floating-numbers-even-though-they-are-impreci true x x Construct the nearest rounded values and the nasty corner case. Note We really do not want an optimizing compiler..
Understanding the meaning of the term and the concept - RAII (Resource Acquisition is Initialization) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/712639/understanding-the-meaning-of-the-term-and-the-concept-raii-resource-acquisiti constructor succeeded. Relying on that RAII can solve many nasty problems the average programmer might not even be aware of...
What issues can I expect compiling C code with a C++ compiler? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/861517/what-issues-can-i-expect-compiling-c-code-with-a-c-compiler enumerated type will fail in C whereas it's legal if a bit nasty in C. If I don't wrap all my C files in extern C ... am I going..
How to Skin an Win32 Application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9216917/how-to-skin-an-win32-application to Skin an Win32 Application Win32 look nasty how to make it look better by custom skins I mean something.. is what you are referring to when you say that Win32 look nasty . However you need to realize that many people like this look..