c++ Programming Glossary: ndebug
What is the “assert” function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1571340/what-is-the-assert-function overhead of evaluating assert statements by defining the NDEBUG macro usually with a compiler switch. The corollary of this..
Where does the -DNDEBUG normally come from? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1878645/where-does-the-dndebug-normally-come-from does the DNDEBUG normally come from Our build system has somehow changed such.. such that optimized builds are no longer getting the DNDEBUG added to the compile line. I searched our makefiles and don't.. and don't find this. So the question is where does DNDEBUG originate for most people and how might that have changed Before..
Why is (void) 0 a no operation in C and C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2198950/why-is-void-0-a-no-operation-in-c-and-c printfs in glibc which internally is defined as void 0 if NDEBUG is defined. Likewise the __noop for Visual C compiler is there..
_DEBUG vs NDEBUG http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2290509/debug-vs-ndebug vs NDEBUG Which preprocessor define should be used to specify debug sections.. debug sections of code Use #ifdef _DEBUG or #ifndef NDEBUG or is there a better way to do it e.g. #define MY_DEBUG I think.. MY_DEBUG I think _DEBUG is Visual Studio specific is NDEBUG standard c c debugging share improve this question Visual..
How can I assert() without using abort()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37473/how-can-i-assert-without-using-abort refer to the constant when you Assert . debug.hh #ifdef NDEBUG const bool CHECK_WRONG false #else const bool CHECK_WRONG true..
how to completely disable assertion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5354314/how-to-completely-disable-assertion at compile time my assertion Should I explicitly define NDEBUG in any build I produce despite they are debug release or whatever.. c assert share improve this question You must #define NDEBUG or use the flag DNDEBUG with g this will disable assert as long.. this question You must #define NDEBUG or use the flag DNDEBUG with g this will disable assert as long as it's defined before..
What is the NDEBUG preprocessor macro used for (on different platforms)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5473556/what-is-the-ndebug-preprocessor-macro-used-for-on-different-platforms is the NDEBUG preprocessor macro used for on different platforms I'm interested.. frameworks assign to the the C and C preprocessor macro NDEBUG . The C as well as the C standard only mention this definition.. a certain platform framework library for C or C uses the NDEBUG definition to enable or disable anything else in addition to..
Rare cases where MACROs must be used http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8509757/rare-cases-where-macros-must-be-used application is assert which is defined to be a no op when NDEBUG is not defined usually release mode compilation . That brings..