

c++ Programming Glossary: lua_pop

Iterating through a Lua table from C++?


this lua_getglobal L level for lua_pushnil L lua_next L 1 lua_pop L 2 if lua_isnumber L 1 int i int lua_tonumber L 1 use number.. if lua_isnumber L 1 int i int lua_tonumber L 1 use number lua_pop L 1 Then I tried from the reference manual lua_getglobal L level.. s lua_typename L lua_type L 2 lua_typename L lua_type L 1 lua_pop L 1 lua_pop L 1 And finally this lua_getglobal L level lua_pushnil..

Redirecting/redefining print() for embedded Lua


L lua_getglobal L _G luaL_register L NULL printlib lua_pop L 1 Since you are using C you'll need to include your file using..

Managing stack with Lua and C++


char s lua_tostring L 1 if s list_strings.push_back s lua_pop L 1 As it stands I've just been copying code from examples.. of it. This is done by poping one entry from the Lua stack lua_pop L 1 Here the 1 is the number of entries to pop not the stack..